Monday, June 24, 2019

lost in translation

I'm old, I get confused

     I saw a former student at the playground rebuild today.  I said to myself, and Jackie when I got home, this blond lady looked familiar.
     She knew me, but I could not place her.  Turns out, she was a former student who is now an adult.  It has been a few years since I saw her and it was not clicking.
     Everybody had name tags;  I thought hers said Kathy......but it did not.
     And how do you finish a conversation when the person asks, "Did you get gas?"
     I did a double take and she said, " the hardware store."
     We both laughed about it because when it was explained, it makes sense.
     That's another problem I have.  Sometimes I write something and someone reacts and I am surprised they knew about it.  I forget what I write!
     Long day.  I did manual labor, something I have not done in a while.      Tamping down concrete, moving mulch, hauling trash, sorting boards.....any non skilled job I could do, I did.
     One guy approached me and asked me to put up a railing.  I said I did not think I was capable of that....and trust me, I know my limitations.  He said I looked like I "had been around for a while and knew how to do stuff."  Well, I have been around for a while and I don't know how to do I just declined and continued to move mulch.
     I figured that is better than me attempting something and really messing it up, like the time I hit myself in the face with a hammer while trying to pull out a nail.  I know me.
    And I know I am tired.
Peace and Love

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