Tuesday, June 25, 2019

something new

I had a couple of new experiences today

     I put up balustrades at KidsGround.  Granted, I worked with someone but he left at 4 and I finished the project!  I screwed them in. leveled them, placed them correctly. OK, it took me a while, but I got it done.
     It was kind of funny.  All the pieces were cut, but we were short 11 pieces.  I went and asked for 11 pieces, went back to the site and discovered we needed 20 pieces.  I went back to the cutting area and ordered 20, only to find out we didn't need that many after all...we just needed 8.  I swear, I don't know how the two of us figured it.  I think we may have double counted one area.
     But all is well that ends well, because there were not 20 pieces and they were out of that type of material.
     I stayed about 4 hours and went home right at the end.  The play area is already attracting kids.  It is truly a neat thing.  I even stood on the wobbly board that Jackie and I sponsored.  Darn near fell off.
     Tonight we went to supper at a local pay what you want restaurant.  If you can't afford anything, then that is fine.  If you can afford it and can pay a little extra, then you help pay for those that can't.  It's a neat idea.  The food was good and there was lots of it.  Hopefully we will go back.
    Then I finished mowing.  Damn grass is growing fast. 
     That's it.  Tomorrow is a relaxing day....maybe a bike ride in the afternoon or early evening.  But for sure, a day to take things easy after this week.
Peace and Love and rest

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