Monday, June 3, 2019


I weeded for a few minutes tonight

     I gave up because the bugs were so bad.  They were getting in my ears, mouth, eyes, hair....and my back never itched as much as it did tonight.
     I had repellent on, but the bugs must not have noticed.  It could the old repellent also, does that stuff ever go bad?
     I rode the bike path in town and at one pointed opened my mouth and got a bunch of gnats.  I guess it's good protein, but they don't have much of a taste.
     I have intentionally eaten fried grasshoppers and chocolate covered ants, but they had a taste and I was much younger.
     And lord knows how many bugs I have eaten on picnics or at cheap restaurants.
     Even now, hours after being outside, I still can feel them in my hair and ears.
Peace and Love

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