Wednesday, June 12, 2019

snip, snip

Today was haircut day

     Corki went to the groomer and was washed and trimmed.  I went to the barber and was trimmed....she preferred not to wash me.
     I was paying the bill at the groomer and Corki was wandering around the office.  Someone opened the front door and out she ran.
     She did not have a leash, just her collar.  But she bolted before I could grab her.
     She went right to the car and stood by the door.  I opened it, she jumped in, and I went back to finish paying the bill.
     To say I was a little frightened is an understatement.  As she bolted I had this fear of her running across the farm fields and me never being able to catch her.
     Worries over.  I think she was just happy to get out of the groomer's and go back home.
     Hindsight says put the leash on her!
Love and Peace

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