Saturday, June 8, 2019

much mulch

I am physically tired tonight

     Spreading mulch tends to make me tired.  Luckily, I had a friend, SK, come and help.  It made a world of difference!  I worked with someone, which means I did not stop every ten seconds to admire the work.
     I ordered 4 yards of mulch.  I ordered four last year and it was too much.  Four this year is too much.
     Almost all of the gardens are finished ..... but I have a couple of areas left.  Maybe tomorrow.
     As sore as I am, probably Monday.
     When we were done for the day, we had pizza.  I opened a bottle of Italian wine that was imported to the US.  I do not know where the bottle came from, but the wine was a 2001 vintage.  I can't believe I had it that long. 
     It was corked.  That means the corked crumbled when I tried to extract it, so I pushed it all the way down into the bottle and then used a tea strainer to sift out the cork parts.
     I took a wine class once and learned about sniffing a wine, checking it's legs, looking at the color and clarity of a wine.  Well, this puppy was very cloudy.  It smelled ok, but I tried it and my throat actually started to burn.
     So I dumped it.....something I rarely do.  When this has happened before, I have worked on the bottle by myself.  But this one just did not seem like it was a wine that would like me.
    However, the rosé on hand was very good to me.  Now if my body would stop hurting, I would be happy.
Peace and Love

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