Friday, June 28, 2019

wrong button

I overslept today

     On zoo days I get up at 6:30.  Now, friends, I don't like getting up early.  8 a.m. is early to me, so 6:30 requires a great deal of effort.
     Especially when I put the last load in the dryer at 11:30 p.m..  I think it is still in the dryer, 24 hours later.  Oops.
     So when the alarm went off at 6:30, I thought I would reset it for another 15 minutes. The cuckoo woke me up.  I thought it was strange that it was going off way before the hour.
     Was I surprised when I discovered it was 7:10.
     I gulped down breakfast, took a shower and headed out the door.
     Had to get gas, and I had to wipe a big yellow glob off my passenger side window.  I hit something because there was a big glob of yellow on the mirror and across the window.  What kind of bug has yellow insides???
     I was doing fine until the obligatory stop at the DeKalb oasis to rid myself of the morning tea.
     The speed limit is 70.  Confession, I normally drive about 74 or 75.  I know, I know....but even at that speed people pass me like crazy.
     So there I was, tooling down the road when I caught up to two cars doing about 68.  One was in the left lane, one was in the right.  Both doing the same speed.
     Sure, the guy in the right lane would speed up to 71 or so, and the guy in the left lane would keep up and alongside him.  Then somebody would slow, and they both would slow.
     It was not a road rage or anything....they just drove the same speed.
     Mile after mile after mile.
     I was in the left lane, but the guy never moved over.  So I moved to the right lane.  A huge pick up came barrelling up in the left lane and I thought there was going to be an accident.  But left laner realized it was either get out of the way or get hit, so he sped up and moved over.
     The pick up passed both of them, and I passed both of them  I watched in my rear view mirror as the guy originally in the right lane moved to the left lane and continued to drive next to the other car.
     I can see where road rage comes from!  I was getting seriously vexed.
     I got to my destination on time.....until I realized my phone was in the car and had to go back and get it.  So I was late.
     It only took me 5 hours and 7 stops to get home.... a record!
Peace and Love

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