Monday, July 1, 2019

what was that?

Sometimes I just wonder

     Communication is important.  I don't like texting.  Questioning is good.
Keep those three things in mind.
     Emily texted me today and asked if I had an extra wallet a co-worker could borrow for a few days.
     I said I did.
     She asked if I could bring it to the store, as the co-worker's husband had a pinched nerve and it was hard walking.
     I poked through my sock drawer and came up with two wallets...a nice, brown bi-fold leather and a tri-fold nylon black.  both functional wallets.
     I get to the store and find Cub Fan Kim waiting for me.  I pull out the wallets and lay them on the counter in front of her.  I say, "You have two choices...this lovely brown bi-fold or this attractive black tri-fold."
     She has this confused look on her face.  Then she says, "Walker.  I need a walker.  My husband has pinched nerve and it's hard for him to walk."
     I check my text and it clearly states wallet.
     Blame auto correct and texting in general.  But I should have asked why someone needed a wallet for a pinched nerve in the first place.  My thought, as idiotic as it now sounds, was that they wanted a smaller wallet   because it hurt to sit with a regular wallet.
     Everyone laughed,  except her husband, who was patiently waiting for a walker.
     Then I went to DD because I have a gift card with some money on it.
     The girl behind the counter must have been  12.  I asked for a large iced vanilla coffee and gave her my gift card.
     Communication.  It's important.
     My hearing aids were off, or something.  Everything sounded like people were talking through layers of clothing.
     I said, "I think I have enough on the card, right?"  She smiled nicely and said I had a balance of  $2.30.  I said, "Great!  I am glad to hear that." and went to pick up my order.
    After an awkward minute or two, she said.  "You have a balance of $2.30."  I nodded and said, "I hear you.  So I am good to go, right?"
     I could tell she was either starting to think I was crazy or must another daffy senior.  She was almost afraid to offend me.
     "Sir, you owe $2.30.  That is your balance."
     That's when it hit me she was using balance differently than I was.
     I paid, then got a drink that must have  been 3 gallons, which means I won't sleep a wink tonight.
     It did give me enough energy to mow, ride 9 miles, and do dishes.  But I hope I can get some shut mind seems to be a little unclear in the   communication mode.
Peace and Love

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