Friday, May 31, 2019

uh oh.......

I feel like a marathon runner

     I have hit that proverbial wall.  Can't think of anything to write about, or comment on, or make fun of.
     I did notice the eighth grade dance in Rochelle was tonight.
     I remember going to my eighth grade dance.  I took a girl named Glenda.  She was in eighth grade, but she was two years older than me!  I remember she used the term cradle robber on our "date", but I had no idea what that meant.
     I also remember going out to eat at a little diner that was a railroad car.  It was on Irving Park Road, and I think it was called, The Diner.
    I don't remember who I was with, and for sure I don't remember getting a good night kiss.
     I ran into her years later.  She was working at a bank around Irving, Lincoln, and Damen.  She didn't remember me.
     That means we never danced, because once you see a Terry dance, you never, I repeat, never forget it.
Peace and Love

Thursday, May 30, 2019


I was mugged today

     Attacked from behind.  Blindsided.  Smacked silly.
     I was standing on a road looking at some flooded ponds when I was viciously and without any warning, smacked on the back of my head.
     I looked around and the assaulter made another swipe at my head, but I put my hood up on my coat (yes, it was warm.  I was wearing a coat in case it rained.  No, it was sunny.  Yes, I understand.) and started waving my arms and the assailant flew into a nearby tree and continued to squawk at me.  It made a third run at my head, so I left.
     Red wing blackbirds are pretty vicious animals.  I have been riding at tines and they have swooped down on me if I was close to their nest or territory.  I must have been real close, cause this bird brain made 3 runs at me. 
     I often see them chasing crows across the sky. 
    They are fearless, and wide spread.  We have a grassy field by us and there are dozens of birds nesting there, based on the numbers I see flying around all day.
     Seriously, it was kind of jolting to be clobbered in the head and not see anyone.  I thought maybe somebody threw something at me, but then the darn thing made a second run at my head.
     Yes, I was run off the street by a blackbird. (Who was not singing in the dead of night!)
     I am just glad I didn't end up with egg on my face.
     Just a little avian humor.
Love and Peace

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

killer queen

I don't understand our dog 

     She gets plenty of food.  She has a lot of toys but she never plays with them.  The squeaks bother her.
     But she does love being in the yard.  She was out a long time today, in the back, just sniffing and rolling....looked like she was having fun.
     I went out later to try to straighten a tree and found a dead baby ground squirrel.  It had puncture wounds.  Then I found a second.  And a third.  Three dead baby ground squirrels.
     All in the area Corki was sniffing around in, and rolling.  Maybe she was rolling on her victims, I am not sure.
     Ground squirrels are a problem in my yard.  I have too many holes and too many trails.  What I do is live trap them then take them out into the park and let them go.
     Corki does not share my humane instinct.
     I stopped at Lincoln School this morning because I thought my young friend was in a program.  A lot of parents were going in, so I followed.  We sat in the cafeteria, which was strange.
     Then we were welcomed to the pre K graduation party.  I was in the wrong spot.  I left after 15 minutes and headed to the gym, where the kids were doing an all school sing.  Since it was just students, I quietly left.
     One of the staffers saw me and said, "I wondered why you were at the graduation....could not figure out your connection to them."
     Well, I had no connection.  Story of my life...missed connections.
Love and Peace

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Hey look, it's raining

     I guess I did not expect that.  ( I wrote  that in a sarcastic tone.)
     We seem to be out of the woods on bad storms, just a lot of thunderbolts  and lightning....very very frightening, right Scaramouch? some nice thank you notes from kindergartners today.  It was the last day of helping out in their room and they made cards for me.  I can even read some of them....they are kindergartners!  They can't write real well yet.
     Also went to the awards night for Sycamore eighth graders.  We went to watch Camryn, who got an award for high grade point average.  She has been on the honor roll all three years at the middle school, and that's a great accomplishment.
     She received multiple awards, but my bias is toward grades and doing well.
     Eighth graders are a funny group.  They are not quite high school, but they are done with elementary school.  They act cool, unflappable, and with either a lot of confidence or no confidence.
     A couple of students tripped going up to get their awards an one young man fell flat on his face in the center of the stage.  But he did not miss a beat.  He hit the ground, did two push ups, and got up as if nothing was amiss. be young again.
     I'm going to bed.  Have to get up real early tomorrow.  I am building an ark.
Peace and Love

Monday, May 27, 2019


I had a most humorous shopping experience

     I went to get some black dirt and other stuff to put in my garden before I planted the rest of my seeds.  (Note:  thsi is not a sexual reference.)
     I was in line behind a woman and she had a rather pronounced British accent.
     She turned to me and said, "Brian?"
     Not having my hearing aids in, I replied, "Yes, but not until about noon."
     There was a long silence, in which the clerk and  the lady seemed to be staring at me and thinking, "this old guy is off a bit."
     The accent person said, "You look like a friend named Brian."
     I smiled stupidly and replied, "Well, I was just commenting on the weather."
     I was next.  I ordered 6 bags of top soil, one bag each of mushroom compost, manure and peat, and humus and peat.
     The clerk said, "Just pull your car in and we'll load it."
     I pointed  to the car and said, "I already did."
    She looked at it, then at me, then at it and said, very seriously "You are not going to put this dirt in your BMW."
     I said I was.
    She said I could not.  It was a BMW.  Then she offered to let me borrow her truck and haul the 9 bags in it.
     I told her it was fine, I had a tarp, plastic liner, and I wasn't going far.
     She yelled to another co-worker, "He's putting dirt in a Beemer!"  The other clerk replied, "It's his car."
     She did load the dirt in the car, but wanted me to be sure to keep the tarp under and over them.  I told her again that I had done this several times before and it is really ok.
     After we loaded the bags, I drove off.  At that point I wasn't sure whether I was glad she offered her truck or a bit ... what?  angry?  irritated?  She meant well, but it was strange.
     I did get the garden planted, and most of the dirt spread.
     Now I just have to figure out how to dig out a fairly large and mostly dead bridal wreath.  Anyone want to help?
Peace and Love

Sunday, May 26, 2019


I went to a graduation today

     My niece's two daughters graduated.  It was a nice ceremony, the weather was beautiful, and it was great to see family members again.
     I  thought back to my high school graduation.  That would have been ....53 ? years ago.
     And, I don't remember much.
     I remember lining up the day before to practice and meeting a fellow graduate that I had never seen before.  She was very good looking and started the conversation by saying something about the huge hickey she had on her neck.
     I think after graduation my parents had a cake.....but I don't  remember many people stopping over at the house.  I may have gone to John's house for cake, but I am  not even sure about that.
     The graduation itself?  Nada.  Nothing.  Mind is blank.
     I know John had to be near me, and Joan would have been between us, but I really don't have memories...or pictures...or programs....or anything of the day.
     I do remember going to school the next day and just standing outside the building, wondering. "What in the hell do I do now?"
     Today's graduates are different.  They will have plenty of pictures.  On Facebook, and all of the other social media sites I don't know anything about.  Their parents, grand parents, friends, and assorted relatives will have dozens of pictures on their cell phones to share.
     I imagine I went through the same emotions and probably voiced the thought that "This will be a day I will never forget."
     But I did.
     Hopefully, these kids hang on to their  happy memory longer than I held on to mine.
Peace and Love

Saturday, May 25, 2019

farmer in the dell

I almost got my garden planted today

     Peas are in and I see sprouts.  I put in two tomato plants and  two peppers.  I redid my strawberries and hopefully will get a lot his year. I planted rhubarb.
     As a kid we used to ask, "think the rain will hurt the rhubarb?" and the answer was "Not if it's in a can!"  For some reason, we found this hilarious.  Or maybe it was just me......
     I still have two kinds of beans to plant and cucumbers.  It is getting hard to get it done with the rain and all.  Now I know how farmers feel ... the frustration of not being able to get the seeds in the ground because of the rain.
     Obviously, I am not comparing myself to a farmer.  Just making a point.
For me, not getting my beans in is not a major deal in my life.  But if you are a farmer, not getting the beans or corn in can make the difference between making money and losing the farm.  That's a huge difference.
     I know a couple of farmers.  One of them told me he had 500 acres planted and another 1,800 to go.  That seems like a lot of planting to do.  He told me this two weeks ago and while there were some breaks in the weather, planting has to be slow and spotty.
     So, will the rain hurt the rhubarb?
     I don't know, but I hope it stops so farmers can do their jobs.
Peace and Love

Friday, May 24, 2019

looong day

Cubs game day is always a long one

     It's even longer when they lose.
     Kyle Schwarber got it off to a good start with a monster home run.  Back to backs by Bryant and Rizzo made it 4-0 and the game was looking good.
     Then...stuff happened.  The good guys lost and 35,000 plus fans went home sad and cool.
     I say cool, not cold.  I was glad it didn't rain.
     But I was  tired on the way home and thankful I didn't have to drive a lot!
     With the threat of rain today, I took two raincoats and a sweatshirt.  Needed the sweatshirt, not the raincoats.
     A foul ball came within two seats of me....which surprised me, because it was way over my head to start.  It bounded down and the guy next to me caught it.  If I had been alert, I would have leaped into action and possibly have my first ever baseball souvenir.
     Here are some pictures to highlight my day.

I liked the picture....but felt odd grabbing it

L station at's a train with people!!

Old man sleeping on the train....oh, wait!!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

trouble ahead?

I have a Cubs' game tomorrow

     The forecast does not look good for the day....rain in the morning, rain in the afternoon, rain at night.
     I hate going all the way in just to sit in the rain and then go home.  Hope  Mother Nature has change in plans.
     And the rainy weekend means I will not get the garden planted, the yard mowed, the weeds pulled.....SK,  I may need some help!
     We have a little spray bottle we use when ironing.  (For those of you too young to know, an iron is an electronic device that produces a huge amount of heat.  I weighs a couple of pounds and looks like a huge leaf.  You hold it in your hand and rub the hot surface over wrinkled clothes and the wrinkles disappear.  Generally this is all accomplished on an ironing board, which looks like a surfboard with legs.  You are welcome)
     We also use it to spray Corki when she decides to hump some one's leg. 
     It would be an interesting contest to see which use gets more use.
     Anyway, can't find the spray bottle.  Looked everywhere.  Had to buy a new one.
I mentor a little first grader.  Every Thursday we get together and play a game, or do a puzzle.  He brings a friend.  Sometimes he asks me to eat lunch with him.  Actually, most of the time he asks.
     Pizza was the meal today, and I said I would stay and eat.  It was actually pretty good pizza for cafeteria food.
     At some point Wild Child was messing around and knocked over some one's fruit cup or water cup, not sure which.  There was a big puddle.  I got up to get some paper towels and when I got back to my seat, HE WAS EATING MY PIZZA!!
     His own pizza had a bite or two missing, but for some reason he thought it good to eat mine.
     So he finished mine because I said he could have it after he had it in his mouth and was licking it......    He finished mine and ate half of his.  I gently told him  that was not good manners and he shouldn't do that.
     All the other first graders just stared at him.  I did too.
     Tonight's supper was much more enjoyable.  We went to Naperville and celebrated the graduation of a couple of friends.  They are now Doctors of Pharmacy.  It was great to be able to celebrate with both women's families.
     And no one ate my food.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


I won a huge lottery!

     Seriously!  I would not lie!
     After spending countless dollars on lottery tickets, I have won about $15 million!
     And even better, I didn't even buy a ticket!
     Pardon me for all the exclamation points, but I am excited!!!
     I was officially notified by e mail  today that I won in the Canadian lottery and my prize was $15 million US dollars.
     What is equally amazing is that I have never been to Canada!  But I am sure John or Emily bought me a ticket and gave them my e mail address so I could be notified of my winnings.
     Sure, it's been a few months since they were there, but lotteries take time to win.
     Don't they?
     And maybe they didn't have to give my name, but an e mail?  That's official, serious, honest stuff.....right?
     I imagine the next step is to give them my bank account number so they can transfer the money directly to my account.  I know people would not do something like this as a scam and a way to swindle people out of their savings.
     Or the next step could be to mail me a check, which I would cash only to find out it is bogus and very bouncy, with me having to pay the costs.
     Maybe I would have to send gift cards to insure my prize is sent.
     Sometimes I wish I had the ability to track e mails to their source and then disembowel the cretins who send them.  Wow...that went dark in a hurry!
     For now, I'll just dream about winning....and yes, I will buy lotto tickets this week because the prizes are a lot more than  $15 million US dollars.  And that will be a ticket I know I bought.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


I can't read my own writing

     Seriously.  I am not a doctor, although I did spend a night in a Holiday Inn Express once.
     But I made some notes on a piece of paper today and .... I can't read what they say!  How is that possible?  Shouldn't I remember what I wrote?  And why does shouldn't not look correct to me.  I think it is  the l toward the end.
     That's how it goes, my friends.  Words start to look "unusual,"  in directions, left becomes right and east could be west. Before you know it, you are lost and scared.
     Thankfully, I am not at that point.
     But I did drive right past a restaurant we were going to tonight.
     Byron is about 20 minutes away.  I looked at the map on the restaurant's website.  Right next to the railroad tracks, near a park.
     So I drove right past it and had to turn around.
     In my defense, the signage is not that great.  Nothing on the building, and only a small sign in the front.
     In their defense, it is fairly new.  And they have wood fired oven baked pizza, and it was very good.  I even had a beer!!!  It was our first visit there, but we will go back.
     I was wearing a sweatshirt and a light jacket.  I zipped up  the jacket....or the sweatshirt....when we left the restaurant.  When  I got home I discovered I zipped the right side of the sweatshirt to the left side of the jacket.  How that happened, I have no clue.
     Anyway, we played cards with our dinner partners.  Euchre.  I got us set because I did not lead my high trump, but instead went with an ace.  The ace got trumped.  If I had led my high trump, I would have taken that trump and the ace would have been good.
     It did make a difference.  Winning the hand would have made it 7-5, getting set made it 9-4.  We lost.
     Focus.  Concentration.  Left is left.
Peace and Love

Monday, May 20, 2019


My fingers hurt like crazy

     I weeded my weed bed.  It took about 3 hours, but I did take a break.  Now my fingers are all dried out and cracking.
     Damn, that hurts.
     It also hurt watching the Cubs tonight.  Ahead.  Behind.  Ahead.  Behind.  Loss.  Should have won the game...can't keep leaving scoring opportunities on the bases.
     So....will I be able to plant a bush and some flowers tomorrow?  Or will the rain hit and prevent me from finishing my Monday goals?
     Time will tell.
     But right now I have to tend to my fingers.  Hurts to type.
Peace and Love

Sunday, May 19, 2019

opportunity knocked

I just missed some golden opportunities to get rich

     I deleted my span folder on one of my e-mail accounts.
     After I deleted it, I realized my mistake.
     There were over 50 e-mails.  My browser shows the sender and the subject     and the first few words.
     As I browsed through the subjects, I found 6 incredible investment offers, two appeals from people in pain, a long lost cousin, and several that started with almost the same line.....I am writing you, my friend, to ask........
     I knew none of these names, including the long lost cousin.
     I did not open any of them....all went to the trash.  The  I emptied the trash.
Sometimes I wish I could track these people down and inflict them with boils the size of half dollars for being a nuisance.  I would NEVER open one of those e-mails, but I know people do.
     But what if one of them had that golden ticket?????  I will never know, now. 
     Maybe I should reset my password....but I don't know if that will help.
     Geez....I am starting to sound like a crabby old man.  Guess I should have had that wine tonight after all.
     But I am listening to Echoes on public ambient music.  I am almost too relaxed to go to bed.
Peace and Love

Saturday, May 18, 2019


I had a busy day today

     It should have been we, but the rain kind of messed things up.  Well, rain and MS, to be honest.
     Jackie and I had a birthday party to attend, but it was raining too hard for her to go.  I don't think she wanted to be pushed down the street in a wheelchair during a downpour.
     We were on a schedule:  birthday party, then graduation party, then I had to be in DeKalb at 3:30 for a date with some lobsters.
     The rain has pretty much stopped when we loaded up for the graduation party.  As we hit the main corner, here comes a pick up with a trailer carrying two golf carts. 
     Quick quiz.....first two answers don't count.  Who was expecting two golf carts to be delivered last Thursday?  And yes, they did call today and say they should be here by 2.
     So, I turned around and went back home to put the carts in the garage and make sure the keys I had were the right ones.  (My system worked today!  Put keys in a basket by the phone.  Last fall I put the golf cart keys in the basket and presto!  There they were!!  Truth be told, I look there in desperation because I did not remember where I put them. )
     By the time I put the carts in the garage, it was almost 2:20.  Jackie said it was silly for me to take her there, roll her in, and only stay 10 minutes.   So I went by myself.
     Of course, the lobster date was a busy time....but I did get a reward.

     Dipped in butter, accompanied by fries de france ... I was a happy person.
     But, I am tired.  So, off to bed it is.
Peace and Love

     PS....we only own one golf cart.  The second is Emily and John's.  They will get it soon.

Friday, May 17, 2019


I am not an electronics person

     They confuse, confound, and conflate me.  Actually, I don't know what conflate means, but it was alliterative.
     I have a new Kindle and I activated it the other day.  That night, I got an e mail confirming my Pandora subscription through the Apple store.
     I contacted the Apple store through their website and ..... drum roll to overstate the obvious.... I do not have a Pandora subscription through them.     They asked I forward the e-mail to them for their fraud department to investigate, so I did.
     In this day and age, we have to be suspicious of stuff we get on line.  Whether it be friend requests on Facebook, comments on a blog, or subscription notices... don't fall for a con!
     Us older folk need to remember that.  My pops used to say, "There is no free lunch."    Companies are not going to send out $100 gift cards for liking their page or forwarding an e mail or sharing a post. 
     Why do bad people send that stuff out?
     Because innocent people fall for it.
     Don't be an unsuspecting victim.  Don't give out personal information.  Don't let the crooks in the door.  Don't give them your money.
     And that's my message for today.
Peace and Love

Thursday, May 16, 2019

again...ages past

I had another weird comment on age today

       I mentor a first grader.  I know, fine example I would set.  But for some unknown reason people think I will be a good influence on him.
     He is a wild child.  Cute, sweet, adorable.....but wild.  I was worn out today after spending half an hour with him.
     Generally we play a game or do a puzzle for 15 minutes.  I ask him about his day, how everything is going, his family.  I swear, some weeks he has two younger sisters, some weeks he has two older ones.  One week he lived on the south side of town, this week he lives on the north end. 
     He gets to pick someone to bring.  Sometimes it is a girl, sometimes a boy.  Today he brought a boy.
     Now my man must have told him a little bit about me.  As we were playing Crazy Eights, the new kid looked at my boy and said, "Hey, you said he was 70.... so how come he isn't, well, you know....."
     Dead? I asked.
     "Yeah," came the honest reply.
     So now I am wondering how many of these kids have grandparents and do they ever see them.  Of course, grandparents to them would be people in their 50s, even possibly their late 40s.  I would be a great grandparent to them!
     I also wonder if the new kid came just to see a dead guy do puzzles.
     Last week when I was building bird houses, the question of my age came up.  I told them I had just turned 71.  One of the fourth graders looked at me and said,    "Wow!  You only ...... (count by tens, count by tens)..... have 30 years left."
    I'm not sure if math or life span probabilities were his strengthes.
     I think I'll just dodder off to bed.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


I am sore from riding

     I took the bike into town today to ride the bike path.  As soon as I mounted my trusty steed, I felt pain.
     Not in my legs, or thighs, or backs, or hands.  But in my butt.  It really hurt!
     Usually I ride wearing my padded shorts, but I did not do that yesterday or today and it really makes a difference.
     I will do that tomorrow, which will make three days in a row.  Understand, I am way behind last year, when I was riding pretty regularly in May.  And April.  but it has been too cold/wet/crappy to do that this year.
     I have a limited window during the day to ride, and I have to take advantage of that.
     My bike is grey.  Naturally, I have named it.  I won't tell you the name today, but think about what I could name a grey bike.
     And speaking of naming things, why does grey sound like hay but is spelled with an e, unless it is some one's name and they spell it with an a?  Bu that is not a color anymore, just a name.
     And how about crayons?  Remember it used to be blue, red, green, yellow, blue violet......basic colors.
     How about these:  asparagus, bittersweet, brick red, burnt orange, forest green, gold, magenta, periwinkle, orchid, pacific blue, plum, robin's egg blue, spring green, silver, tickle me pink, turquoise blue, wild strawberry.  All colors from the 96 count Crayola box.
     They must have a full time person coming up with names for  blue, red, green..... you get the drift.
     I am off to have colorful dreams.  Getting to bed earlier and earlier!
Peace and Love

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

is it me?

I had to laugh today

     We got our most recent edition of a newspaper published by a large, national organization geared to seniors.
     Figure it out yet?
     Anyway, I was looking at the ads and got amused.
     Three ads were stacked on top of each other.
     Ad 1 was for Vacurette, my new erectile dysfunction system.  I can get a free information kit.  Just think of it;  no more little blue pills.  People can just strap on this device and , well it has vac as in vacuum, in its name, so use your imagination.
     Under that was an ad for a 15 day motor bus tour of Europe that visits 7 countries.  Even my terrible math skills say that works out to about 2 days in each country.  Can you imagine going to France and spending only two days?  Or Italy?  Or Switzerland?  Oh my gosh, that is seeing a country by bus tour.  I also don't understand why the 15 day trip includes 13 nights of lodging.  Maybe you sleep on the bus for the other two nights.
     And the bottom ad was related to the first, I think.  "Grind away any stump fast"
     Wonder if that works on guys using the Vacurette?
     On a sadder note, Tim Conway was a genius.  Funny, quick, droll....he lives on in You Tube land.
     Saw some neat cars today.

Monday, May 13, 2019


I only forgot one thing today

     At least that I know of.  I had to hit the ATM in town, but I did not remember to do that this morning.  So I had to make an extra trip into town to get some do-re-mi.
     I figure that cost me about $1.50.  8 miles one way, 16 round trip....I get 35 miles to the gallon, so half a gallon used, gas is almost $3.  It is expensive to forget stuff!
     But I remembered to change the battery on Corki's collar, tighten the handle on Jackie's cart, cancel Netflix and call someone about a check.
     Why cancel Netflix?  I really don't watch very much during baseball season.  I admit, I watch a lot of Cubs games.  Maybe too many.  But I enjoy them.      Between yard work, bike riding, and baseball games, my TV viewing time is limited.  Of course rainy days changes all that, but I could read a book.  I have several on my table, including Donna Leon's latest.
     To those of you who don't know, Donna Leon is one of my favorite authors.  She does a police detective centered series of mysteries, all set in Venice.  There is no swearing, not much violence, and a lot of description of the day to day life in Venice and how it is changing.
     This is book 26 in the series, if I remember correctly.  Three years ago I decided to read all of them, in order.  It was not easy as some of them were not available at the library.  But I enjoyed watching the characters grow, and change, as the stories were told.
     Leon is an American, but has lived in Venice for most of her life.  I read somewhere that her books are not translated into Italian because she likes to be an anonymous presence in Venice.  Plus, sometimes she is a little harsh about the community.
     I got hooked on them when I picked up a book and started reading, only to discover that the story opens with someone finding a body floating in a canal by the hospital.
     Jackie and I stayed in a small hotel just off the square in front of the hospital, and when Leon described the scene it all came back to me... the smells, the sounds, the colors.... it was pretty neat.
     And, she does one book a year.  To me, that is amazing.  Someday I will finish my book.  Some day.
Peace and Love

Sunday, May 12, 2019


This was a busy weekend

     Birthday, Mothers' Day, cook out, breakfast out with Emily and John, church, mowing the yard in the cold and rain, two video chats with Julia, two Cub wins....... doesn't get any better than this!
     I hope everyone had a great Mothers's Day.  My mom died in 2001 and I still miss her. 
     Seriously, I want it to warm up so I can order mulch and find someone to help spread it.  I just can't work outside in weather like this.  By next Friday it will be in the 80s and it will probably be too hot!
     But that weekend is pretty full already.  No more events, please.
     Now I have to rest up.  Being this old is pretty taxing!
Peace and Love

Saturday, May 11, 2019

chalk up another one

I made it another year

     I had my doubts.  Every time I cross a bridge or an overpass, I wonder if this is the time it will collapse.
     I am a pessimist.  You see the glass as half full, I see it as we are running out of potable water and will all perish in two days.
     I did have a very positive birthday, however.
     I got to talk to Julia in Switzerland and Bob and Anita in Florida face to face through the wonder of electronics!
     And I had many Facebook greetings too, again, the wonder of electronics.
     John and Emily came over bearing gifts and we had a nice cookout with broiled sweet potato cubes and steaks.  Chocolate cake and a bottle of wine capped off the day.
     I got to see a Cubs win, I got a free Starbucks for my birthday, and I did not mow the lawn because it was rainy most of the day.
     So for a negative guy, it was a positive day.
     Now for some sleep....hopefully.
Peace and Love

Friday, May 10, 2019

boots are made for talking

I did my first downtown walking tour tonight

     It was a little chilly, and maybe the even was not as publicized as it could have been.  Or maybe it has run its course
     Had 2 people.  2.  But, the show must go on and we went on the tour.
     Another museum board member was with, but I am not counting him as a tour goer.  2. 
     We actually had a nice time.  We chatted, strolled, chatted some more.  I learned more about Rochelle than I knew when I started the walk tonight, because Tom knows a lot of Rochelle history and stories. 
     I admit I have been a little lax in getting more of the history.  But the walk was supposed to be an hour, and tonight it was almost two.  Like I said, we walked and talked.  The more information I have, the more I talk.
     I enjoy doing the walks, but I always get nervous that I will be a bore or a flop.  But everyone always seems to enjoy the banter, talk, and exchange of information.
     When this started, I did a walk a month the first year.  Last year I did 3 walks and convinced another person to do a walk on historic or interesting houses.    This year I convinced a third person to do a walk dealing with fires in the downtown so now we have three different walks over the summer.
     I think it's good for the museum, but the walks need more exposure so more people come.
     Mini courses.....history walks.....yikes, I do do a lot!
Peace and Love

Thursday, May 9, 2019


I have just about written myself dry

     No funny stories today, or cute memories.
     Pretty boring day.  Took Corki to the vet, lost her collar, looked for it for 15 minutes, found it in a place it doesn't belong....becoming routine for me lately.
     I was making plans for a wine night Friday night and Jackie reminded me I had a history walk tomorrow night!  How the freak do I forget my history walks?
     Went to Wallyworld to buy some wire, went home without it.  I have to go back tomorrow to buy wire to hang the birdhouses we hopefully finish at school tomorrow.
     Sometimes you read about some old guy who went out to get a paper and they found him four days later in Memphis.....I have fears that is me one day.
     But I did like Elvis, so maybe it won't be so bad.
     Emily said it's because my mind is full of other tasks, duties, jobs, worries, responsibilities I have and it is natural to forget some things.
     But to be honest, it is scary.
    Growing old isn't all it is cracked up to be.....but it beats the alternative, so I guess I will just have to grin and bear it. 
     And tomorrow night I will for sure have my own wine night!
Peace and Love

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


We gave Corki a bath today

     Technically, a shower.
     When we first got her three years ago she dreaded going into the shower.  She would run, and try to jump over the barricade.
     Now she just stands there, calmly accepting the indignity of being washed.
     She looks at me with a hurt if saying, "How could you do this to me?"
     She smells much better, but we have a wet dog smell lingering in the house.    Jackie dries her with a hair dryer, but you never can get the dog completely dry.
     Then she pouts for a little while.  Corki, not Jackie.
     She will roll on the floor, roll on the bed, then go off by herself to show us she is offended by our suggestion that she was dirty.  Again, talking Corki here.
     She's a great little dog. 
     I'm glad we have her.
Peace and Love and Milkbones.....

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

lost and found

I lost my car key today

     Actually, I lost it Sunday but did not know that until today.  I was going to take the BMW with some landscape waste in brown bags into town, but instead crammed them into my Honda.  I had the key for that, thank heavens.
      The problem was magnified when we could not find Jackie's keys either.
     We looked all over. Eventually I found hers in a purse on the shelf.  I had borrowed her keys (yes, because I could not find mine) and put the keys back in the wrong purse.  Then I put all the extra purses on the shelf, which was where her key was.
     But I digress.
     At first I thought my key was in the yard.  I had gone to the store, gotten some bags of dirt and compost, and had used the BMW.  When I got home I moved dirt, drove the tractor around the yard, and then cleaned everything up.
      So I thought the key might have fallen out of my sweatshirt pocket.
      I got to thinking and realized that was not possible.  I put the mower away and then put the car away.  If I had lost the key in the grass, I could not have moved the car.
      I looked in pockets, drawers, in some shoes (in case Carrie is reading this.  I really did!) but could not find the key. 
     I searched the garage and my car but could not it.
     Seriously, I spent about an hour of my ever decreasing time on Earth looking for the damn thing.
     I backtracked.  I reenacted my coming in the house.  I took off my shoes, put the headphones in the I looked in the box and there was the key!  I had forgotten about wearing them, and I guess I was so tired I just dropped them into the box along with my key.
     I seem to be doing that more often lately. 
     Truthfully, it is a little scary.  Hopefully it's just a lack of focus.
Peace and Love

Monday, May 6, 2019

self cleaners

I now have self cleaning windows

     Seriously.  They are magic.  Everyone should have windows like this.
     Today I said, " clean and streak free.  And screens, be ye washed and ready for the summer season."
     And they became clean.
     A young man named Matt had a lot to do with the magic, but I am happy knowing I have clean windows.  One item checked off the to do list.
     Next up....getting the gardens weeded, again, and spreading mulch.  Feel free to join me in the festivities.
Peace and Love

Sunday, May 5, 2019

tired, tired , tired

I may have overdone things today

     First, Emily, John and I walked in the MS Walk in St. Charles.  We started about 9 on the 3 mile walk along the Fox.  It was a beautiful day, and there were hundreds of people walking.  It was great to see, and pretty touching to me.
     People with MS don't always look sick, or act sick.  But they have a disease that is life stealing.  I hate MS.  I truly do.   I pray daily that they find a cure, or a cause that can lead to a cure.  Daily.
     Anyway, it was a beautiful day.
     I have missed spring days, so I mowed and did some yard work before settling down to watch the Cubs sweep the Cards.  'Twas a sweet day, indeed.
     Here are some pictures, if you have not already seen them....if you have, oh well.

I look like a dork!

Me and the fox along the Fox

It's made of bicycle parts!

He did not have much to say

Saturday, May 4, 2019

A night to remember

Prom night brings back terrible memories

     I may have told this before.  If so, I apologize.  But seeing all the kids in their prom outfits recently made me think back to my prom.
     I did not have a driver's license, so my dates had to be with another couple or on a bus.  For prom, four of us decided it would be fun to rent a station wagon.
     I asked a girl to go, although I really wanted to go with a different girl who happened to be a junior.  But his girl was a senior, and she seemed nice, so we were a pair.
     When we pulled up to the prom location, which was a fancy in its day hotel, the eight of us clambered out of the car.  We probably looked like a clown car at the circus.  All we needed were big shoes and red rubber noses.
     My date was a little taller than me, but that night she had on heels and a beehive hairdo.  By the end of the night my neck was sore from looking up at her.  I don't remember her eyes, but I always got a good view of her nostrils.
     We ate, did the obligatory prom photo session, but we didn't dance.  For one, I couldn't.  For another, she didn't want to.
     Our tradition was to go on a picnic the following day.
     We all agreed to go to Powers Lake in Wisconsin for a day of swimming and picnicking.
     Except when we got to my date's house, she was still asleep.  Tossing stones at her window didn't work, but honking he car horn several times did.  She claimed I never told her about the picnic.  In hindsight, that is a possibility.
     The eight of us were merrily riding up to the lake in the station wagon.  I was all the way at the back, the girls were in the seats.
     Bob, the driver, was kind of a macho guy.  He was strong and tough.  And he smoked.  Camels.
     As we were driving along, he pulled out a smoke and said to the rest of us,    "Anyone else want a cigarette?"  No one smoked.  But that didn't stop the chief idiot in the
     "Sure," I said and he passed one back to me.
     "I didn't think you smoked," he said, but in a way that was a sneer and a challenge or a dare to be a he-man.
     "I don't smoke them, "  I said.  "I just eat them."  And I took a huge bite.
     I have never before, or since, tasted anything as vile and disgusting and sickening as that cigarette.
     I think John told Bob to pull over, because I was now a shade of green that indicated something worse was about to happen.
     Some fresh air and a lot of spits helped the situation.
     My date was not impressed.
     When we finally got to the lake, we unpacked the car and the girls decided to take a nap.  John and I were the only two awake, so we took a walk around the lake.
     No one missed us.
     I still have the prom pictures.  The girl with the purple dress and the two foot hair, and the skinny boy with a polka dot face in an ill fitting tuxedo.
     Yes sir, a night to remember.  Or at least, never forget.
Peace and Love

Friday, May 3, 2019

Fly the W

I had a great day at the ball park today

     Our seats were along the first base side this time....but the view was still darn good.  No one walking in front of us, or even sitting near us.
     Yes, it was cool.  But it was dry and Hendricks and Rizzo were hot!  Great plays on defense by Baez, Heyward, and Bryant.  All in all, a great experience.
    My food choice today was the W burger and it was ...... pretty darn awesome!       It is $12.50 but comes with fries.  It is a large burger, with lots of fixings.  I have had three meals there and so far it's:   Best, W Burger; Second Best,  Three cheese grilled cheese; Third Best,  Buona beef.  But ask me tomorrow and it could be different!
    The game was fast and we caught an express train home.
     It was crazy.  The people all seemed to know each other and were laughing, joking and drinking.  One guy offered us beers, but we declined.
     They played a card game called "Screw Your Neighbor."
     I had never heard of it and asked one of the leaders of the fun to explain it..  He said it costs $2 to play.  Players get a card.  They look at it and decide if they want to keep it or trade it.  When everyone is done, you show your card.  Lowest card has to pay $1.  Joker has to pay $1.  Then redeal. When your $2 is gone, you are done.  Last person in wins the pot, which is determined by how many people play.
     I felt like we were sitting in somebody's party.  They all got along so well and laughed a lot.
      I think the one guy told me they worked in the same building and/or rode the same train home and ended up always sitting in the same car.  They do this every night, but seem to really cut lose on Friday.
     They treated everyone else like they were friends waiting to be made, at least that is how I felt.
Peace and Love

A low hanging cloud....

Thursday, May 2, 2019

still 10

I still have all my fingers

     Big deal, you say.  It is.  I used a power miter saw today to cut wood.
     For a long time, I could not have a power saw.  Brother in law Bob told Jackie I would cut off a finger or two, so best not let me have one.
     Eventually I did get one.
     I use it once a year.  Well, usually.  I did not use it last year.
     I cut boards for mini courses at the school where I used to teach.  Mini courses are 4 days of 40 minute sessions where a youngster does a project or learns a new skill.  In the past, courses have included digital photography, calligraphy, cooking, outdoor sport, fashion, and dozens of others I can't remember.
     I do birdhouses.  I found a pattern years ago, and when I first did them I had only a circular saw and it was difficult to cut the boards.  Hence, the miter saw.  I also used it on Emily's Sycamore house when we redid the trim.
     I enjoy doing the project, seriously.  I like working with the kids.
     But I always have concerns when it comes to cutting the wood.  I always pay close attention, work with few distractions, and go slowly so I don't accidentally lose a finger or two.
     All the supplies are gathered, except for two items.  I am ready to go with a new year of birdhouse building.
     Now, excuse me....I have to get the sawdust out of my hair.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

you are kidding me

Do I look stupid?

Don't answer that.  I just want you to read this important e mail I got today.  I copied it.

Good day and we wish this information will meet you in a good
condition after going through our files i found out that you have not
yet received your package

and i try to found out the cost ,after my investigation i just
confirmed that is not delivered due to wrong address  please confirm
your address once again

     Seriously?  They missed delivered my package?  Horrors!!!!  What a travesty of justice.  Probably the missing gold coins  my recently discovered Nigerian cousin promised he would send in exchange for real money.  
     Sadly, there will be some fool who responds to this kind of garbage.  I wish no ill will to anyone, but I think these people should have their fingers cut off and their legs suspended in a tank of ravenous piranhas.
     On the other hand, it did give me a good laugh.  I stopped counting the mistakes after the "meet you in good condition phrase".   Honestly.
Get a real job.  make a difference for good in the world.
     Jackie and I joined retired Tilton teachers at lunch today.  We had a great tine visiting and catching up with each other.  We even ran into former students and their babies!  Always a treat to see how kids turned out.
     A tour of the distillery, a Cub win.....all in all a pretty good day.  So I guess those scammers did find me in good condition.
 Peace and Love