Monday, April 22, 2019

too tight, I can't breathe!

I have a problem with sizes

     Clothes don't seem to fit right anymore.  ( need to comment.  I know you are tired, and you could probably only come up with 10 fat jokes.  So, rest up.  You have to work tomorrow!)
     Some of it is my fault.
     I am overweight.  I know that.  I admit that.  I can't seem to stop the hand to mouth movement typical in feeding.
     I have been wearing size 38 inch waist jeans.  They are a little loose.  But size 36 are too tight.  I figure there must be a happy medium.
     So when I saw jeans on sale at a national retailer that included a relaxed fit in the odd sizes, I jumped on it and ordered two pair.
     They came about 3 weeks ago and I just left them sit on a spare bed.  Then last Saturday Jackie suggested I try them on.
     I figured they would be the perfect fit.  Put them on.  Pulled them up.  The button was at least three inches from the button hole!  (I was just going to say hole, but I knew someone ((Doug?)) would misinterpret that.)
     Jackie was watching me.
     "What size did you order?"  she asked.
     "Well, 38 was big, 36 was small so I ordered a 35 loose fit."
     Math was never my strong suit.
     Sometimes it is not my fault.
     Julia bought me two shirts at Disney Paris.  One is an XL and the second is an XXL.  Neither fit.
     I think it was Dianne who suggested photos, so I sent pictures to Uncle Walt today.  I don't know what to expect.
     Maybe I should focus on losing weight.
     Time will tell.....I have not done that in years of talking about it.  But seriously, it would not help with the shirts.
     Peace and Love.

This is an XL....fits great, have had for 8 years

This is marked XL....Grumpy is underneath

This is marked XXL

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