Thursday, April 11, 2019

early birds

I was up very early today

     Corki never gets us up in the middle of the night, but she was at the door at 5:30 this morning.   5:30.
     It was still darkish.  I could tell which neighbors were up because they had lights on.  Ok, all of them were up because they were all getting ready for work.
     I was amazed at how much traffic there was.  Lots of cars on Flagg Road and Skare Road.  I wish I could ask them where they are going, just because I am a curious fellow.
     Of course, getting back to sleep was difficult, especially since the alarm was set for 8.
      And an afternoon nap was out of the question because I had too many things to do.
     Tonight I went to a high school play.  The local kids put on "Pygmalion," the non musical "My Fair Lady."  George Bernard Shaw was the playwright and he was a little wordy, in my opinion.  But the youngsters did a great job staging the show and I am glad I went.
     I have worked with some of them in speech over the years and I enjoy watching the theatrical side of them.
     I turned my hearing aids up, but the first part of the play was hard to hear.  I thought it was just me, but I met some friends and mentioned I had trouble hearing and I was informed I was not the only one.
     My fear was ..... the room was warm, the theater dark, the voices indistinct and I would just doze off.
     But I didn't.  I understood the majority of the show.
     It was about a gypsy girl captured by white slavers and cast into a life of servitude while learning Lithuanian, wasn't it?
     Sweet dreams.....
Peace and Love

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