Saturday, April 13, 2019


Ever say things with no thought?

     Well, surprise!  I do!
      I have noticed a couple of times in the past few weeks when I just said things that were not what I should have said.
     For instance, tonight I picked up some food at a local place and the girl said, very clearly, "Enjoy your food."
     An appropriate answer would have been something like, thank you, or I will, or anything like that.
     I said ...... You too
     You too. 
      So the conversation was, "Enjoy your food."  "You too," replied me.
     Last week the clerk said, "Thanks for shopping here."  I replied,
"You too."
     I keep thinking they are going to say "Have a good night/day/weekend" which would make "You too" a completely logical reply.
     When I was asked if I wanted the receipt, I told another clerk, "You have a good weekend too." 
     I also had to change my text messaging skill.  I learned the microphone button on the bottom can be pushed and it allows you to say your message instead of typing it.
     When I first started doing this I ended messages with, "bye."  Like I was leaving a voice message on the phone or something.  It made no sense.
     I know I need to start being a more active listener....that would cut down on the You Too  replies that are automatic from my mouth.
     I don't mean to be the guy from left field, but it just happens.
Peace and Love
       You too.

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