Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Our comedy group rocked tonight

     I am part of an improv comedy group called Exit 99.  The name comes from the number of the Exit on I 39 coming into Rochelle from the south,  Honestly, it may  also even be exit 99 from the north....I don't really remember.
     There are 4 of us.  Beth, Carrie, and the two Terrys. 
     We did a benefit for Vince Carney Community Theater tonight.  Tickets for the show were $20 and about 70 people came, or at least 60.  I never heard the final number.
     We do a Drew Carey Whose Line Is It type show.  All the suggestions come from the audience, and we create funny bits.  Hopefully. 
     Tonight we did a 90 minute show...with a 5 minute break.  The time flew by, I was shocked when I saw it was already 8 and we were scheduled to end at 8:30.       We were only about half way through our games list!  Like I said, the time flew.
     People said they enjoyed the show.  One person said he had never seen us before and couldn't believe how funny we were. 
      I don't remember how long we have been doing shows.  I know when Julia left in 2002 we were not yet performing.  But it wasn't that long after that when we got together and muddled through.
     We rehearse, in a way.  We sit around and talk, and drink beer and wine, and talk some more. 
     Usually our shows are a little blue in content, but tonight was fairly mild.  Our philosophy seems to be:  go with what is funny.  And we do.
     But it is tiring.  And at the same time, I have so much energy now I don't know if I will ever go to sleep.
     I had a really great time tonight....and I hope we do many more shows.
Peace and Love and Laughs

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