Saturday, April 27, 2019


I stepped in a time warp today

     I only meant to be gone a little hour at the most.
     Instead, I was gone almost 3 hours!  I guess I just got lost in the moment.
     After letting out the dogs I went to the food truck festival in downtown Rochelle.  Yes, it was snowing/raining.  Yes, it was cold.  Yes, it was close to 1.     Yes, a vendor was still left.  So I bought a couple of...... don't know how to spell quesedilla ........ but you can get the general idea.  Normally I would have sat on a picnic table, but not today.
     So I ended up driving down to the south side of town and parked at Lake Sule and ate my lunch.
     Here's what I saw.

     Huh.... these are videos and don't seem to be working.  Darn.
     Anyway, it was pretty cool with the wind blowing the fog off the lake.
     Then I went to Wallyworld for some stuff,.
      I ended up at the museum, giving a tour of the basement to a group of Girl Scouts.
     I got home and Jackie wondered where the heck I had been. 
     Honestly, so did I. 
     And the whole day was miserable, weather wise.
     I missed spring.
Peace and Love

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