Thursday, April 4, 2019

calling the doctor

I think I had better call the doctor soon

     I was exposed to several windmills while biking in the Netherlands, and I just want to make sure I don't have wind cancer.
     Feeling a little grumpy tonight.
     Another Cub loss does not help my normally sparkling personality.
     But this idiot who claimed he was the missing boy from Aurora?  How can anyone be so stupid and callous.  He should have something horrible happen to him.....maybe force him to live near a windmill.
     I keep reading headlines that Chicago recently elected its first openly gay mayor.  And I wonder, does sexual preference make a difference in being a mayor?  I also wonder if there were mayors not gay openly.
     And Casimir Pulaski....hero of the Revolution... a Polish legend.  Testing is underway that hints he may have been a she born with male parts.  Seriously?  The man died 250 years ago, let him rest in peace.  Or her.  Whatever.
     Mysearch  for a biking and barge trip in France has not been as easy as I thought . I did find one neat offering for only $6,500 per person for 7 days.  I would have to have my head examined for that one.  $6,500.....I am not a baseball player!
     I am puzzled about ads I see for Posh.  People say they make thousands of dollars selling their unwanted clothing.  I am thinking that if you are selling enough clothes to buy a car, you probably have too many clothes to start with.  Think of the money you would have had if you hadn't bought the designer items to start with.
    Doing flash cards with kindergartners reminds me how difficult the English language is.  Of.......sounds like a v, not an f.  How do you describe of?  And is and his both have the same sound.  So why when you put a t at the front of his does it not rhyme also?  is....his....this....... No wonder some kids have trouble learning to read.
     Do people really care about the Kardashians?  If so, why?  What have they ever done to deserve media attention?
     Gotta breath deeply....calm down....relax.
Peace and Love

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