Wednesday, April 17, 2019

did you hear the one about....

I may have told this story

     If I have, blame it on the dental implant.
     When I first started teaching, I had a pretty loosey goosey approach to discipline.  I ignored kids talking out, because I valued their input and did not want to stifle that.  Or something along that line.
     Anyway, one day; first year.  I had had enough.  I stopped, looked at the kids and said, "From now on, raise hands and wait to be called on."
     I think we were doing a math problem.  I wrote on the chalk board and turned around when Michael suddenly yelled out, "Mr Dickow, Mr. Dickow....." and I cut him off.  "But Mr. Dickow..."  And I stopped him again.  "What did I say?  Raise your hand!"
     To demonstrate my awesome teaching authority, I then called on everyone who had a hand up, but not Michael.
     He was squirming in his seat.  His hand was over his mouth.  He was bouncing up and down.
     Finally, proving my point, I called on him.
     "Michael, what was so important you had to just yell out?"  I asked.
     "Your zipper's down," he said.
     And it was.  Wide open was the barn.
     Sometimes you just gotta let the words flow.
Peace and Love

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