Tuesday, April 9, 2019

I'll never learn

I often make a bad choice or two

     I made a bad choice last night.
     I had a cup of decaf tea at about 10 before going to bed at around 11.
     Here's a health lesson, or maybe a math lesson.  I am not sure.

If a 70 year old man with an enlarged prostate has a cup of hot, decaf tea an hour before bedtime, how many times will said 70 year old get up to go to the bathroom to get rid of that 8 oz cup of decaf tea?

     If you say 4, you may be a winner.
     12:30, 1:20, 2:45 and around 4:10.  When the alarm went off, I could barely walk, I was so tired.
     Jackie never heard me, which is good news.  I could not believe that a 6 or 8 ounce cup of basically hot water could make be pee out 7 gallons.  But it's true.
     I should have gone to kindergarten today, but between the cold and the lack of sleep, I was a walking zombie.  Figuratively speaking, of course.  I went back to "sleep" on my recliner and spent a quiet hour or two contemplating life as I know it.
     Whenever I can't sleep I try to think of a happy place, a place where my mind is peaceful, my body can relax, and I feel no pressure to do anything except exist.  Sometimes that spot is in Skare Park, sometimes in Switzerland, sometimes at Dewey Lake in Michigan...but it almost always has a water feature.  If all goes well, my body just goes limp and my brain slips into dreamsville.  If all goes well.
     I hope tonight the hot toddy I am having will accomplish two goals:  Relax me and help my sinuses clear. 
     Time will tell, but I am hopeful.
Peace and Love

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