Friday, April 26, 2019

oh my gosh.....

Will the ignorance ever end?

     I bought a new mower last year.  I mowed twice before winter came along, and I told Jackie I should have mowed again because the grass was really long.
     I bought a new mower last year.  I fired the baby up and mowed last Saturday.  I set the mower on 3 inches, because that is what is recommended.
     I looked out Sunday and realized I did not like the way the lawn looked, so I mowed again, still at 3 inches.
     We are going to get 16 feet of snow tomorrow, so I thought I should mow tonight.  After the snow, it will rain for the next 30 days or so and the grass looked long, again.
     I bought a new mower last year.  So today I started mowing, again with the mower at 3 inches.  I made several passes, but the grass did not seem to be cutting.
     I lowered the mower to 2 and 1/2 inches and made several passes.  The blades were turning, but the mower did not seem to be cutting.
     I bought a new mower last year.  I set it at 2 inches and started  mowing but it still did not look like it was cutting.
     So I parked it in the garage and did the unthinkable:  I found the owner's manual.
     I bought a new mower last year.  Seems there is a lever that locks the mower height in at the level you select.  If you don't lock it, it mows very high.
     Once I read that, I pulled the lock, set the level, reset the lock and started mowing.
     At 3 and 1/.2 inches.  It cuts nicely.  Lawn looks ok.  I didn't finish because supper and wine interfered. 
     In actuallity, I have mowed 4 times at the 5 inch level.  No wonder it was long this past winter.
     I wonder how it works in the snow....
Peace and Love

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