Tuesday, April 23, 2019

out, damned weed

I admire the power of nature

     I have been cleaning up my gardens, raking up dead leaves, trimming branches, digging out weeds.
     I weeded one area Saturday and today there were weeds in it!  Actually, it was that dratted grass that sends out roots all over the place.  Pulling the grass seems to encourage root growth and new sprouts.
     I pulled it again, making sure I dug deep to get out the roots.  I know it will be back.
     I bought some plants at a local store.  I am hesitant to put them out because it might still freeze.  I just hope I remember to water them in the garage.  I am not good at that.  I will put them out in the sun during the day, and drag them back into the garage at night.  OR, I will put them out and forget them and the sun will partially kill them and a late April/early May blizzard will finish them off.
     I wonder if Vegas would give odds on my plants surviving.
     My head is full of great ideas.  It is putting them into place that is a little weak.
Peace and Love and peat pots.

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