Monday, April 8, 2019

almost done

I hate making lists

     It seems every time I take an item off a list, I add 2!
     FYI, I did get the den cleaned and the cardboard boxes broken down.  But, while doing that I added other tasks to my list, including crushing cans in the garage and finding out how to change a battery in my window alarm.  Changing the battery seems to be fairly easy, but I don't have a battery to replace it with, so        I will wait until tomorrow.
      I have a meeting tomorrow afternoon, and I had to review materials for the meeting.  That took a while, but I did finish after dinner.
     I would have loved to take a bike ride, but I walked Corki instead.  We made it about 1/4 mile before she decided to turn around.
     I guess aging in animals is similar to aging in people.  When we first got Corki, our walks would be brisk and frequent.   Sometimes we would even run short distances.
     This year she walks at a much slower pace.  Our last mile walk, she slowed down considerably about two houses away.  And a couple of times, we just stopped and stood for a minute or two before continuing on.
     Tomorrow is an anniversary of sorts. 
     Emily and several of her neighbors lost their homes when an EF 4 tornado ripped through their subdivision on April 9.  Hard to believe it has been 4 years.
     I still say thanks for the volunteers that came, for the people who helped clean up, for our friends who came to our house and did a lot of spirit lifting.  I still get a little teary eyed thinking of the day.
     I also offer prayers of thanks that the storm only did physical damage, and that everyone in the area was safe.  Life is full of blessings, even in the times of disaster.
Peace and Love.

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