Sunday, April 14, 2019


I seem to have a small hearing problem tonight

     One of my hearing aids broke off and is still in my ear.  Jackie could not see t he end, and I can't see in my ear, so I am leaving it until tomorrow.  Then I will wander over to the ear person and get it removed.
     I think this is a common occurrence.  It is the first time for me, and I am not panicked or worried about any kind of surgery.  It has to be an easy removal.  Doesn't it?
     We have Christmas glasses.  After Christmas I switched back to our regular glasses and put 8 small ones and 8 large ones in the cabinet.  When I emptied the dishwasher tonight, there were only 7 of each.
     I don't remember breaking any.  Jackie doesn't remember any breaking.  Yes, I am positive there were 8 each.  So, how did I lose two glasses?  Weird.
     I went to church  in DeKalb today and the snow came down fairly heavy during my time in church.   Il. 38 was so bad, I opted for the tollway home.  It was snow covered, but had been plowed.  I am not sure 38 was plowed at all, so I think it was a good choice.
     Rochelle ended up with over 5 inches, and DeKalb had almost 8.  Funny joke, Mother Nature.  We are still laughing.
     Better go to bed...have a feeling sleep will not come easy tonight, especially with one ear plugged by, well, a plug!
Peace and Love

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