Friday, April 5, 2019


Who knew visiting a cemetery could be scary

     I stopped at my parents graveside today.  I go there occasionally.  It's  not too far off my route  coming home after the zoo.
     Today was a little unnerving.
     First, there was a high speed car chase down the street with one car doing at least 80 and 3 squads in pursuit....all in a residential type setting.  Never seen a car chase before.
     When I started to leave a funeral procession turned into the cemetery.  There must have been over 100 cars.  At least, 100 if not more.
     One car drew the attention of a very irate police officer who approached the car, about 15 feet from me, with his gun drawn and yelling to the driver, "Get back in the car, now."  When the man did not respond, the officer said, "I am giving you to three."
     At that point I moved over to a rather large headstone and stayed behind it.
     And the cars kept coming.  And coming.  People were yelling and screaming and there were lots of police.  Lots.
     My car was on the opposite side of all this, so I just waited for everyone to calm down, but the traffic was stopped into the cemetery.  You could not move.
     I went over to my car and got in and drove down to a farther entrance  on the side where I was parked and that roadway was not busy.  There were 3 police cars there also.
     To say I was unnerved is an understatement. 
     It's a rough world out there....even in cemeteries.
Peace an Love

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