Wednesday, April 3, 2019


I learned a few things today

       Following directions works.  Some times things don't make sense.    Ask prices.
     Let's start in reverse order.
     I had to go to /Rockford to pick up our taxes.  We left at 112:30 and by the time we were headed home at about 2:30 I was hungry and I had to go to the bathroom.
     So we stopped at a fast food place so I could relieve myself.  I decided to get a fish sandwich, because I love fish sandwiches.  I ordered, paid, and waited.  As I waited I looked at my receipt:  Fish sandwich.....$4.19.    Sign in window:  2 fish sandwiches ...  $5.
     I assumed, obviously incorrectly, that one sandwich would be $2.50.  I told the nice lady behind he counter I wanted to change my order to 2 fish sandwiches and I would pay the difference.
    She brought me my order and said to forget it, it was easier to just give me a second sandwich.
     After we picked up our taxes, we stopped at the mall to return towels to the store formerly known as Field's.  I previously mentioned Jackie ordered bath sheets instead of bath towels.  My first attempt to return them did not work well as I did not have her credit card to access the account and I did not have paperwork on 2 of the 8 towels.
The lady gave me a hard time in a good natured way. 
     Today I went in with my box, Jackie's credit card, and the original order.  The same lady was working and actually remembered me.
     Her first words were, "The towel man.  Did you bring her credit card?"  I did, and gave it to her.
     She did everything she knew to look up the items so we could return them.  But she could not find them.  She tried the order, the product code, looked at the original record that we bought them or that they shipped them or charged us for them.  She was perplexed.
     End result....for the second  time, I brought the towels home.  I am waiting for our bill to see if we were charged for them.  If we were not, I will return them, I guess.  We did keep two of the bath sheets, so maybe I should return the ones we kept and keep the ones we returned.
     I'm confused.
     Finally, I actually downloaded the Major League app necessary for me to manage my electronic baseball tickets!  I followed the directions, but midway through I got confused and hit a button and magically got directed to the correct site.  And I even managed to forward two of the tickets to Dan and Linda!
     You don't understand how huge this is for me, a guy who can't figure out how to do a lot of things on the phone and computer.
     Oh, seems we have a tax bill of a little over $675, any contributions would be appreciated.
Peace and Love

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