Sunday, April 21, 2019

a happy Easter

Today was a really nice day

     Church, brunch, a Cubs win,  beautiful weather and a second mowing made for a great day.
     Jackie's sister Judy came out yesterday and stayed overnight.  Today we went to church and then ten of us went brunch.  We made reservations and they had us  at a table with high stools, but when I wheeled in Jackie they quickly changed their seating plans.
     Sometimes I assist with communion.  In our church, I am an Eucharistic Minister.  Several of us perform this role.  We offer the wine at communion and otherwise stand at the altar and look handsome, or pretty, or both.
     Our new minister asked me to give her the communion wafer, an I promptly flipped it in the air like a quarter.  I was a little embarrassed.  I picked it up and felt a little foolish.  When it came time to offer her the wine, I think she might have been having second thoughts. 
     Of course, I ate far to much at brunch.  I was thinking of going for even more, but I knew I had hit the full line.  As a benefit, I didn't eat anything for supper, but I did make a pineapple banana smoothie with yogurt and 2 % milk instead.
     Now I am hungry.
     I have to ignore my lawn.  There are some ground squirrels in the yard and they have created holes all over.  I need to put out my traps and take the critters far away to roam freely, just not in my yard.  There are also some dips that really cause me to bounce around.  So my mission now is to eliminate the dips.
     Unless it's a French onion and chips are involved.
Peace, Love, and Happy Easter

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