Wednesday, April 10, 2019


I am about at the breaking point with this weather

     Monday it was 70, sunny, a great day.  Today it is in the upper 30s, windy, damp, and cloudy.
     I can't take the roller coaster anymore!
     I need sun.  And warmth.  I need to be able to ride my bike. (Don't bother pointing out that one of my neighbors has been riding regularly ALL year.  He is young and strong.  I am old and delicate.  I can't ride when it is cold and windy.  End of discussion.)
     I am going to a Cub game Friday and I may be wearing a winter coat, hat and gloves.  That is insane!  (Don't bother pointing out that last year we did the same.  And the year before.  And the year before. April baseball in Chicago is cold and damp.  End of discussion.)
     Even picking out clothes to wear is hard.  I don't know if I should layer or not layer.  (Don't bother pointing out that I layer because it hides my stomach and another reason I don't like spring is I have to cut down on the clothes that disguise my girth.  I'm heavy.  End of discussion.)
     Both the cars are dirty and need to be washed and vacuumed before they get worse.  (Don't bother pointing out I went over a year without cleaning out my car and the amount of dirt in it was embarrassing.  I think some people thought the car belonged to a homeless person.  I carry a lot of important stuff.  EOD)
     I can't wash windows when the weather is like this.  I didn't get to wash them last fall, and they really need to be cleaned, inside and out.  (DBPO that I have a card with some one's name that I am going to call for him to come out and wash the windows.  I am getting too old to be climbing up and down on a ladder.  ((Don't bother pointing out I have tilt in windows that I can't tilt in because my fingers are too fat to get in between the sash and the window.  EOD)) So, EOD)
     I think I'll have anther glass of wine.  (Don't bother pointing out that I have had enough!  I have had enough of this winter, which just does not want to leave.  It's not my fault.  So EOD)
Peace and Love

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