Thursday, April 25, 2019

pinch me

I might be having a recurring dream

     I just read a forecast that said SNOW is possible this weekend.  Really?  we have not been punished enough?
     It is almost May!!  I know, the chances of snow in may are 23 percent over the last 87 years, but seriously, I am tired of it.
     I have not ridden my bike yet.  (Ok, today I could have, but I had 5 events to a relaxing ride was out of the question.
     I have a section of plants to weed....can't do that in snow.  I need to mow.  I need to plant.  I need to..........find the snow shovel and the ice scrapers for the car and hell.  I need to get a new dream.
     Maybe when I wake up, all will be green.  And stay that way.
     In the meantime, if you see me, give me a small pinch just to be sure.
Peace and Love but NO SNOW!

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