Friday, April 19, 2019


I was at the coldest baseball game ever, for me

     I think the temperature was 20 least that is what it felt like sitting in the stands.  And my face has windburn because of the gale blowing in from right field.
     At least the Cubs won.  I admit, I bailed after the seventh inning, although by the time I actually got out of the park it was the bottom of the eighth.  I was cold.
     I could not have gone to the game at all if it wasn't for Dan and Linda.
     Normally we ride to Elburn together, but they were staying late so we drove separate cars.
     I parked in the train lot, which is about 45 minutes from home, and started to get out of the car.
     I instinctively felt for my wallet....and it wasn't there.
     Not in my coat pocket, not in my sweatshirt, not in the front seat.
     I called home.  Jackie and Lanette looked on the counter, in the driveway, in the mailbox (because I had carried a letter to the mailbox, and who knows?) and by the computer.  No wallet.
Jackie asked me when I had seen it and I said I downloaded money to my one account to ride the L and to another account to buy coffee.  So I used it at the computer.
     It was not there, not on the floor, not anywhere.
     I asked Jackie to look in the drawer where we keep our notebook with the passwords for all our accounts.....and there it was.  I don't know why I put it away with the password book.  The mind works in mysterious ways.
     That was good news.
     But I had no money, no train ticket, no bus ticket, no credit card....zilch.
     Luckily Dan and Linda loaned me money for food, and for the bus, and for the train ride home.
     All is well that ends well.  I won't talk about the fact I was driving without a license, riding on a reduced fare card without a permit, and ran the risk of being an unidentified body in the morgue should a bridge collapse as I was heading to the train station.
     A Cubs win was worth it.
Peace and Love

Bears game or Cubs game??

Jackie's magnolia is blooming

I love daffodils

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