Monday, April 29, 2019

40 days

I am going to build an ark

     And I am going to put all the animals on it, so when the flood comes they will be safe.
     Well, maybe not all the animals.  I don't like mosquitoes.  They won't be going.  I will leave them behind.  (Is a mosquito an animal?  Well we have plants, animals and minerals.  If it isn't a plant or a mineral, it has to be an animal, right?)
     But all the other animals.
     Except armadillos.  I don't like armadillos.  They look like rats with shells.  I don't like armadillos, but all the other animals.
     Except rats.  For obvious  reasons.  They have a scent.  And a very strange tail.  But all the other animals will go on my ark.
      But maybe not rattle snakes.  Or cottonmouths.  Or any venomous snake.  Notice, I did not say poisonous, because they are not poisonous.  They are venomous. If you kill one, you can eat it.  So it's not poisonous.
     But all the other snakes that are not venomous can get on my ark.  There they will be happy with all the other animals and birds.
      Except geese.   I don't like geese.  They have funny looking poop and they leave it all over the place.  There are too many geese. So maybe not geese.
      Or Starlings.  I don't like Starlings.  I like Starlin Castro, but he is Starlin, not Starling.  Big difference.  But no Starlings either.
     Which brings us to people.  I will take most people, but not ones who hate.   Or those who have evil minds or hearts.   That mistake was made once already.
      All this deep thinking has made me tired.
Peace and Love

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