Wednesday, April 24, 2019


I had an implant check up today

     All is well, except my hygiene in that spot needs to improve.
     I told the good doctor that I avoid brushing in that area and he said it shows.  I have to brush the implant, but I can't use my electric toothbrush.....or at least I have to use it manually.
     I had several stops to make today.
     Went to pay a bill at the hearing place, but the regular office person was out to lunch, and the guy behind the desk had no idea how to process a credit card payment.
     I bought some supplies at a pet store and decided I needed a reward.  So....

     I got yelled at for not bring home a pint, but I must have known that, because I look like I am crying in the picture.  Tears of joy?  Who knows.  Generally, I am frowning or grimacing whenever I take a selfie.
     I went to an event at 4:30.  Actually, I did not want to be there at the start, so I went about 20 minutes after 4:30.....but no one was there.  Seems I did another time confusion thing as the event ended at 4:30, not started.
     Someday I will figure it all out.
Peace and Love.

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