Friday, April 12, 2019

so many words

I had a vocabulary lesson today

     It was at the Cubs game. 
     Let me stress, it was a great game!  Cubs hit four home runs, had a great pitching performance, and most important, they won!!  And in less than 3 hours!!
     The ballpark looks good.  I went into one of the new bathrooms and it was .... how to say this...... beautiful! 
     The upper deck has something called a Catalina Club.  Why Catalina?  Dan said the Cubs used to have spring training on Catalina Island and this was a tribute to their history.
     The Catalina Club is located right under the press boxes on the upper level.  The handicap seating section and private bathroom used to be there, but they are gone.  So is the deck an d food service area where we always seemed to find a pregame meal.
     But there is a nice grill and a couple of food stands in the right field and left field newly created patios.  And there is seating for handicapped people, with family restrooms located near by.  All in all, it looks good.
     We sat in front of some young men.... guys in their 20s, maybe early 30s.      One of them used a certain four letter word often, as if it were a word like the or and.
     He did use it creatively.  Sometimes it was an adjective, as in "What a ------- idiot."  Sometimes it was a verb, as in "Are you ------- with me?"  It surfaced as a noun, especially after a Cub strikeout.  "What a dumb -----."  And of course, as an adverb as in, "You are ------- killing us."
     It was highly annoying.  And nonstop.  It was like he only had one word he could reliably pronounce and he was determined to use it as often as he could.  Kind of like a monosyllabic caveman.  Or child.
     I felt sorry for the people he worked with, or dated, or interacted with in any way because it was really tiring.
     On the train into the city there was a girl who was on her way to a meeting in Evanston at around noon.  The train left Elburn at 10:15 and arrived in the station at 11:50.  When they announced it was late leaving Elburn, she also described the situation as one involving intercourse.
     When she found out it took her 40 minutes to get from the station to Evanston, she whined that she was going to be "-------" late for a meeting.  Our thought was she should have taken an earlier train.
     I don't mean to sound a prude, heavens knows I have uttered my share of that particular profanity in life.  But I really try to control myself in public.  As much as for me as the others around me.  At home, well the walls would blush.  But that's me in my home, where not a lot of people are around to hear.
     With that, I am going to end.  Well, that as some ------- pictures.  And by that I mean awesome!
Peace and Love.

Walkway behind Catalina Club linking the right field with the left field's kind of narrow!

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