Thursday, July 26, 2018


I had a hearing exam today

     And guess what?  I am hard of hearing.
     The worst tones are high, soft from females or children.
     Which explains why I have a hard time understanding children and my wife, although she talks to me too much from different rooms.
     Now I have a decision.  Do I get hearing aids?  Do I get a behind the ear one or a pop in your ear one?  What kind of technology do I want?
     I know people who have hearing aids.  They all say the same thing:  Crowd noises get amplified, so it doesn't help.
     The audiologist said not getting them could result in further loss of hearing.    Getting them could preserve what I have and might even reduce the tinnitus, or ringing in my ears, that sometimes drives me crazy.  Like right now.
     Insurance doesn't cover the cost.  And the cost could be anywhere from $1,000 on up for each ear. 
     Here's the rub. 
     Hearing aids are just another sign that I am getting old.  I don't want to get old. I don't want to be at a point in life where I can't drive, or ride a bike, or travel, or read a paper, or go to a Cub game.  I don't want to be old.
     And while I don't want to be, I am getting there.
     But I am getting tired of saying what.

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