Thursday, July 5, 2018


I may still be tired from Europe

     I forget things.   I repeat myself.  I seem to not remember stuff.
     Bought some beer.  Check out girl was not 21, so she called an older person over to run the beer over the scanner.  We talked about her birthday.  Parents are taking her to a Cub game in August.  Older clerk comes, scans the beer, I pay and  start to leave the store.  I walk about 15 feet and look at the cart and see the beer on the bottom rack.  I turn around and go back to the girl and say, "I think I forgot to pay for the beer."  She looked at me and said, "No, you are good."
     How did I not remember that?
     I must still be on Europe time, which means I would almost be getting up now instead of just going to bed.
     At least the sink is fixed.  And the toilet.  Under cabinet lighting is still not right.
     The toilet and lighting went south when I was abroad.  (If I say abroad as a broad, then it sounds like I was once a girl.  Or a broad.)
     Last night when I was doing dishes, the sink sprang a leak.
     Luckily it was just the spray hose connection getting loose, and it took a plumber about 15 seconds to diagnose and fix the problem.  Luckily he was here to fix the toilet.
     On vacation you don't worry about stuff like that.  It is someone else's problem  to fix.
     Thinking maybe we should move to a rental place, where all I have to do is call the super when there is a problem.  (If you give a pea to a super, does he become supper?)
     But heck, I probably would not be happy there either.
     I guess I will try to sleep..........perchance to dream.


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