Friday, July 27, 2018

clinty estwood?

I am thinking spaghetti westerns today.....

Especially "The Good, The Bad, The Ugly."

The Good....zoo day
The Bad...... tollway construction
The Ugly....  driving habits of idiots

The night
The Bad......  ate too much
The Ugly.....  my belly

The Good..... Cub comeback win Thursday
The Bad......   Cub loss today
The Ugly....    Chatwood pitching

The Good.....  lunar eclipse
The Bad......    not visible here
The Ugly .....   my photos of any full moon

The Good.....   I have a new crossword puzzle book
The Bad......     Puzzles are fairly easy
The Ugly.....     Longest answer after 20 puzzles is only six letters

The Good.....    The EPA
The Bad......      Tight restrictions are being loosened
The Ugly.....      Our world if polluters are allowed to pollute

The Good.....     Night
The Bad......       Dreams
The Ugly.....       My hair in the morning.

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