Monday, July 23, 2018

I'm a husker

We put up corn today

     We did on the ear and off the ear.  I like corn on the cob, so we froze about a dozen ears whole.
     Jackie likes corn off the cob in the middle of winter.  So we boiled and .... what is the word?  Decobbed?   Stripped?  Unkerneled?  (and why are kernel and colonel pronounced the same.  Something is wrong with English when you say an r sound and there is no r in the word.)
     Anyway, I bought a little gizmo last year that you put on the end of the corn and twist back and forth.  It does a great job of stripping the golden nuggets off the cob.I bet I have eaten a dozen ears in the past week.  Sweet corn, freshly picked, is a treat, one we only get once a year.
     Now for the peaches.....Dan and Linda, do you have my order??
     And cherries.... still looking for Michigan or Wisconsin cherries.
     Ahh...the tastes of summer.
     Gotta love it.

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