Tuesday, July 24, 2018

trivia night

My life is getting boring

     Same old, same old.
     In a way, I guess that is good.  But it does make me feel like I am in a rut.
     Picked beans, peas.  Pulled some weeds.  Found out  that my volunteer cucumbers are producing a fruit that is large, round and looks like a watermelon.  But still no cucumbers.
     Rode the bike path.  Got lots of bugs in my hair and face. 
     I think I have have a black widow spider in one of my windows.  It is between the screen and the glass.  It's black, with a white spot on its back.  And it is about the size of a dime.
     I have a g mail account but never check it.  There were a couple of messages from an old friend.  And I mean old.... I think he is 95.  This is the account I use at the end of my newspaper column.  Sometimes people respond.  I like that.
     The Cubs are starting to get me angry.  Score some runs!!!  Crying out loud.
     It's a beautiful night outside.  I wish there were less lights around, hard to look at the sky with all the brightness.  And it is almost cool enough for a campfire.
     Funny, in 60 days we'll be missing the heat.  Maybe.
     Think I'll go and stand outside for a while. 
     Good night.  Sleep tight.  Don't let the vampires bite.

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