Saturday, July 14, 2018

dreams .....

I have set a new goal in life

     I have decided to be the oldest first time multi millionaire who has not won a lottery.
     Yes, my goal is to be a multi millionaire.
     How am I going to do that?
     I will set up a go fund me page and ask 200,000,000 people to each contribute 50 cents to my fund.
     This plan is a lot more practical than:  winning the lottery; selling the rights to my still being worked being on book for $100,000,000;  discovering oil in my back yard; learning that the painting my mother had is really a Picasso/Wyeth/VanGogh and really should be in a museum instead of in a box in my basement.
     Why is this my goal?
     I want to be rich.  Plain and simple.  I want money, moolah, cash, dinero, whatever you want to call it.
     Would people support my plan?
     Well, that Jenner person seems to be raking in the bucks in her effort to become a billionaire.  If she can do it, why not me?
     So what's in it for people who donate 50 cents?
     A warm feeling in their hearts that they may an old man's dream come true.
     Now, that is a priceless feeling...well worth 50 cents.
     I wonder how you set up a page........

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