Saturday, July 7, 2018


I seem to have forgotten a few things

     When I went to Europe, I cleaned out my wallet, taking only two debit cards and one credit card.  The rest I put on a shelf.
     I remembered that today when I went to get gas and did not have my gas card.
     And when I stopped for coffee and did not have my rewards card or gift card.
     And last night when I did not have my rewards card at the store.
     I guess I need to find the cards and put them back into a wallet.
     Had a lovely day today, starting with leading a tour of the downtown area for a 95th birthday party.  The birthday girl did not feel up to it, but her family members came and listened to my walking history lesson.  I figure when you hit 95, you can do whatever you want when you want.
     At least the weather was next walk is on Friday, and it is supposed to be in the upper 90s.  Hotter than heck, I guess.
     I just hope I don't melt, or have my feet sink into the oozing blacktop.
     And I actually slept until almost 8 a.m. today!  That is an improvement.
     Hope I can do it again.
     Peace and love to all you dudes and dudettes.

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