Sunday, July 22, 2018

oops! sorry

Always double check phone numbers

     People were coming from New York state.  They were arriving in downtown Chicago Wednesday, going to tour Wrigley and catch the night game Thursday, and meet me at the game Friday.  Then Saturday they were coming to our house and spending a couple of nights.  We were all going to have a cook out and I bought food for about 13 people.  Not the point.
     Wednesday he became ill.  Felt funny in his chest.  Spent the next two nights in a hospital downtown and upon discharge they decided to return home in New York.
     His wife called and left her phone number Thursday.  I wrote it down and entered it in my phone.
     I texted her Thursday to see how he was.  I texted her to see if she needed anything.  I texted her to see if they had any test results back.  I texted her and told her to call me on my cell phone because we would not be home Thursday night.
     I texted her again Friday morning before leaving for the Cub game.
     No response.
     Jackie called me on the train and said I transposed two numbers!
     She never got any of my texts!
     Saturday night at 11 my phone dings.
     I got a text that simply said:  Who this?
     I told them I was sorry that I had texted the wrong number.....multiple times.
     I just hope the person wasn't a bad guy or a terrorist....hate to think my number will be found on his/her phone and that my messages were some sort of code.
     Finally talked to my nonguest and he was doing further issues.  And he is planning a trip to a Cub game again next year.
     Incidentally, the Cubs refunded him his tour money and the cost of the tickets for both games.
      Even  though tickets and tours are nonrefundable, they will make an exception for a medical emergency.
     Now I have to add double check all numbers before dialing them to my list of things to do.
     Life can be a never ending struggle.

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