Monday, July 9, 2018

bag less again

I sometimes get frustrated over minor things

     Litter.  Speeders.   People who block the bike path. 
     Losing a grocery bag.
     Especially losing a grocery bag.
     I have a bunch of really neat nylon type bags that fold or roll up and can fit in a pocket.  Well, unless you lose the carrying sack.
     I went into a store today to buy some things, which is why you usually go into a store.  Unless it is to use the bathroom.  But I digress.
     I had my Mickey Mouse tote bag with me.  I put it in the little shopping basket and picked up some items.  Not all the items I wanted, because this chain no longer stocks Dean's dairy products, much to my dismay.
     I went to check out and ..... no bag.
     I walked my route back through the store and ..... no bag.
     I walked out to my car and .... no bag.
     It really bums me out because it was a Mickey tote. 
     Maybe someone found it and turned it in..... but I am not hopeful.
     I carry the bags because I hate plastic bags.  I still end up with a bunch of them every month, but I try hard to not use plastic bags.
     I just hope it wasn't tossed out.  It was a neat bag. 
     I just don't understand how I keep losing things.
     Is this what growing old does?
     Guess I'll just go to bed.... if I can find that!

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