Friday, July 13, 2018


Talk about tired......

     I had a zoo day today.  Usually I leave the house at 8:15.  But with the tollway construction, I have been late twice!
     So today I left at 8.....and got to the zoo at 9:30.  Go figure. 30 minutes early.  No rhyme or reason to the travel times.
     Missed my buddies Linda and Tyler today....but it was great to be back.
     Emily and John went to see Bare Naked Ladies for her birthday and she even got to meet the band!  That was cool.  I was responsible for letting the dogs out and feeding them, which seemed to go ok.
     But I also had a museum walk at 5:30.......9 people came in the heat!  I was home about 7:30, ate, then went and fed the dogs just as the rains and thunder moved in.  So I sat with the little guys for a while until my eyes started to shut.
     I am tired.  And now I realize it is almost 10:45 and I am still up. 
     But that will soon change.
     Tomorrow is a busy day too!  Hot dogs...a the museum....11-2.  Stop by and say hi!
     Peace and love to all.

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