Wednesday, July 11, 2018

crap in, crap out

Pardon me while I rant

     I was out and about today and came across a young couple and their maybe 3 year old in a stroller.
     The dad  was listening to rap music.  (Ok, dating myself.  Should I just say rap?  Do I have to add music??  Is it understood that rap is  a genre, so to speak, of music???  Why am I using so many question marks????)
     Every other word was a very clearly enunciated word that sounded a lot like luck, or duck , huck....but it wasn't.
     Now swearing doesn't bother me that much.  I have been known to cut loose with some socially unacceptable terms every once in a while.  (Or when taking down the dining room light fixture for dusting.  I have to do that soon.  I know I will at some point curse the Chinese who manufactured it and me for buying it.  I will also call it a ((add an adjective/verb of your choosing)) pain in the butt.  But I digress.)
     But here is this little kid who is hearing that word at least 20 times in a two minute span.  Remember how little kids repeat everything they say.  Will that be his response to these statements?
     "What a cute boy.  What is your name?"
      "Tony, I think that answer is wrong."
     "Sinners, you are going to Hell."
     My guess is it becomes his new favorite word.  After all, it's easy to say.
     The old guy in my wanted to tell the young man to turn off his crude  music and expose your child to Beethoven, Bach, Buffett or The Beatles.
     But I didn't. 
     I speak from experience. 
    And I think I am ready for bed.  Rant over. 
    Peace and love to all.

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