Monday, July 30, 2018

stats day

When I have nothing to say, I use numbers

     So far, over 132,000 page visits have been recorded on this blog.
     Recently, there have been people in Latvia and Vietnam reading this.... and I know who they are!  Can't hide from me!
     It's humbling that so many people have read this journey. 
     If you have been reading a while, you know a lot about me.  Maybe you didn't want to know it, but now you do.
     Like my fear of heights, doctors, shots, bridges collapsing, bears, alligators, and the occasional werewolf.
     Some of you have recently offered hearing aid advice.  And I appreciate that.       At least, I think you were offering hearing aid advice because for some reason you started speaking very softly.
     I just appreciate the fact you have let me into your lives. 
     You know I am a Cub fan, but not a Bud man. You know I love the Beatles and oldies.  The other day I was listening to WRHL 1060, which plays oldies.  They do  retro segments with Dick Clark and Casey Kassum.  That may not be spelled right.  Anyway, Casey was doing the countdown for some time period in the 70s and I only recognized one song in the hour I was listening.  One song.  That was by Nielsen.  The other music was unknown to me.
     So now you know something else.  I must have stopped listening to the radio in the early 70s. At least AM, except when the Cubs were playing.
     And after listening to Casey the other day, I realized why.  The music was terrible.
     But that is beside the point.
     Thank you for reading and I hope we have many more days together.
     Peace and love to all.

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