Friday, July 6, 2018


I think I am close to losing it

     Little things bother me.
     We drink Dean's milk, but finding it locally is hard.  Walgreen's had some, and it is good for two weeks, which is unusual.  Usually their milk is close to expiring.
     The other W store only had its brand.....and I am not a big fan.
     People were on the bike path today and they were sitting in chairs watching a baseball game.  It's a bike path!  They had the whole path blocked.
     Some goof on a four wheeler drove through the neighbors' yards across the street today.  Right through the back yards.
     Japanese beetles are on my beans.
     Loud motorcycles keep going past the house.
     There are just lots of small irritations that grate on me. 
     I have not been sleeping well.....was up at 6 a.m. today.  I never get up that early!
     I think I am just tired and my body has not yet adjusted back to Illinois time.
     That's my story and I am sticking to it.
     But right now I feel like a grumpy old man.......

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