Tuesday, July 17, 2018

another mystery

I need a detective

     In addition to my two pizza cutter wheels, I am missing a bag of tea.
     No, not THAT kind of tea, but the tea you put in hot water and then after a few minutes drink and burn your lips and tongue.
     I had it two days ago.  It was there.  On the shelf.  Today?     Gone....poof....disappeared......out of sight.
     I have looked twice in the pantry.  No luck.
     I get really confused by all this.  Am I putting stuff in places and not remembering where?  Or misremembering where I put them in the first place?
     Or do we have mice that come in during the night and move stuff around while eating nicely sliced pieces of mouse pizza?
     Am I losing my mind?  Or my memory?
     Something else to worry about.
     Last night I had nightmares. 
     In the first nightmare, I was being chased by a man in a striped shirt who had a gun.
     When I woke up, I tried to get back to sleep and eventually did.
     But I had another dream about a man in black who had a gun and was chasing me.
     Up again at 3.
     Finally fell back asleep and damn it, another dream about somebody with a gun shooting at me!
     I have to stop reading the news.
     I seem to be falling back into my not a lot of sleep pattern.
     I don't like it.
     Maybe tonight I'll have a nice dream.

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