Sunday, July 15, 2018

thank you all....

I am on my way to being a millionaire

     Since I posted my dream of being the oldest first time millionaire, I have received thousands of donations!
     The postal worker has lugged bags of envelopes addressed to me and all have two quarters or five dimes enclosed.  There may even be more than two.  So many envelopes.  All very supportive.  People like me.
     I'll tell you what people don't like:  The other guy who isn't me. Not respected.  Going to stop talking to him.  A mean person.
     Anyway, since announcing my quest on Saturday I have received dozens of letters.  Some from big corporations.  Many corporations.  Some of the best corporations in the world have sent me envelopes.  It's amazing.
     Sears.  Pella.  A rescue mission in Rockford.  Many companies and organizations.  Did I mention it was amazing?
     I am now much too busy to write any more tonight.  I have to finish opening all that mail.  Better Homes and Gardens.  Capital One.  Comcast.  Amazing.
     Many of them have sent bills, not just quarters.  But bills.  Big ones.
     I may have had some wine.  Amazing wine.  Great wine.  The best wine I have had today.  But my state of mind is great.  Amazing.
     Good night America.

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