Monday, July 16, 2018


Sometimes I just don't understand

     I had a really neat pizza cutter.  Not some cheap  $5 one, but a cutter from a big name knife company.
     It worked great.  It was a detachable wheel that clipped into a handle
     Unfortunately, I lost the handle.
     So I got another cutter from the same big name knife company.  Actually, I do believe Emily got it for us several years ago.
     Works great.  Now I have a working cutter and two wheels, just in case I need two.
     But two wheels don't necessarily make a bike, and the original wheel does not clamp into the newish  handle.
     About a month ago I went to get the really neat, very efficient, great feeling, maybe expensive cutter to slice a pizza and ...... no wheel.  None.  I had two, now I have none.
    What did I do with it/them?
     Is it/them in the wrong place?
     Did I toss it because I figured it would not work with the cutter, even though it did?
     Did I leave it in the sink and think it was a can lid and recycled it?
     I would not have left it in the box, because I have the handle.  The wheel disappeared sometime after I attempted to wash it.
     I think.
     If I toss out the unneeded handle, I will find the wheel.  So I won't toss it out for a few months, just to be sure.
     It just frustrates me that I do these things.
     And to be honest, it scares me a little also. 
    If I lose a pizza wheel cutter, how close am I to losing my car?  Or bike? Or what's left of my mind?
     Some things I should not think about too much.
     I just wish I could find the damn wheel.
     I have seen an adevertisement for a chair that lifts a person up if they fall on the floor.  It costs something like $4,500.  It allows one person to help get someone up who has fallen.
      Now that would have been even handier than the pizza wheel tonight.
     As they say, no blood, no foul.
     Thanks, John, for lending a hand.

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