Monday, July 2, 2018

all things must

Last days are always hard for me

      The last day of school, the last day of summer.  The last day the Christmas tree is up inside.
     And the last day of my time in Switzerland.  Technically, tomorrow is the "last day" but my flight is in the morning, so it is not  really a day at all.
     This has been an amazing vacation for me, and it was all due to a lot of people.
     Bob and Diane for biking with me.  Sheri for being with Jackie and mowing the yard in 95 degree temps.  Lanette for being there when Sheri could not.  For Emily and John, who checked on Jackie, did shopping, helped when needed and even mowed and trimmed.  For MK for visiting Jackie and putting up with a barking dog.  For all the people who called, gave her a ride, or in some other way I don't know about kept my wife safe and happy for three weeks.
     And for Julia, who puts up with her dad's endless questions, most already answered.  And who brought me into her circle of friends, making me feel like a family member to so many.
     And most importantly, Jackie, for letting me go.  I know it is not easy for her.  She did not ask for MS, she does not want MS, and she doesn't want to sit at home while I frolic around Europe.  I am grateful for her letting me go and not complaining too much about the constant stream of bills coming to our credit card account.
     I tend to get emotional, and I am sure there will be a couple of tears at some point.  At age 70, I think I am entitled to venting my emotions from time to time.
     How am I spending the last day?
     Shopping.  Packing.  Cleaning.  A visit from Kevin and Christina.  And sitting on the covered terrace enjoying the view, hopefully not for the last time.  But, who knows?
     And thank you for reading my blog.  I love the fact that you think my life is interesting enough to read about, even on days when I write about nothing.
     That's about it for me.
     Now if you'll excuse me, I have to find a tissue.

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