Saturday, July 28, 2018

Not sitting day

We had a busy day today

     We visited a fireman, went to the market, had a great grilled cheese, and did a lot of chores.
     Jackie wanted to say congratulations to our friend Curt, who just became a fireman.  So we stopped at the fire station to say hello.
     Then we went to the market and had a great time visiting people.  I bought grilled cheese sandwiches from the bread lady and we sat in front of Cypress House and visited with a lot of people as we ate.
     I even got a new car!  Well, technically it is not mine yet, but I bought a raffle ticket to support the band trip to Washington DC.  I don't think Jackie was happy with me, but I had the checkbook and she didn't.  The drawing is at halftime of the homecoming I will have to wait.
     This is the season for buying things.  We have bought the dining cards to support Hub football, raffle tickets for the Heritage Festival drawing, popcorn for the cheer team.  I will buy some tickets for Creston and I have to make a drive down to Amboy to by tickets for the drawing down there.
     In the meantime, it is almost Rotary calendar time and there is always a need for new members for the museum..... so if you can, toss a little support that way too.
     I mowed, pulled peas from the garden, weeded my slope area, and planted carrots which I hope grow.  It was a busy day.
     I even got my telescope out to look at Mars tonight.  And the moon. 
     I think I'll take a little nip out on the patio and sit for a while.  It is a beautiful summer night.

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