Wednesday, July 25, 2018

it's a crazy world

I spend too much time on line

     I get caught up in the weirdness of it all, and time just flies.
     For example:  I watched a video of a gator or croc jumping into a pool where people were swimming.  The gator attacked a woman while the guy she was with jumped out and ran.
     She wasn't severely injured, but I know they would have had to super chlorinate the water after that.
     A digression.  Several years ago three of us rode the New Glarus bike path.  It was hot.  Really hot.  At the end of the day, we went into a local municipal pool to swim and cool down.  As two of us were finishing up in the shower, the third guy came back from the pool and simply said.  "Let's go.  We are not swimming here."
     As we walked away we asked why.  He said, "Whenever they yell 'get the net' and you see a turd floating in the water, leave."  So we did.
     End of digression.
     I saw a video of a woman who aggressively challenged an aggressive driver, only to have that guy ram her car.  Her response?  With an 8 year old boy in the front seat next to her, she pulled out a gun and aimed it at the other driver!    Seriously!
     And the 10 year old boy who drove his parents' Lexus to the beach with his 7 year old brother in the front seat.
     Or the woman arrested at the airport on her way to her wedding for credit card fraud and identity theft.
     How about the woman who flipped off a driver only to have him follow her and when who went into a store took a grocery cart and ran it along side her car several times.  Carts leave lots of scratches.
     Then there was the story about the serial killer in England who electrocuted himself while committing a sex act in his cell.  The words electric cord, nipples and penis all came into play.
     There is just a lot of weird crap happening all over the world.
     And a lot of nutty people are involved.
     Maybe I'll just stay in the house the rest of my life.  Or maybe I'll just stick to solitaire.

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