Thursday, July 19, 2018

an ode...

I feel poetic tonight

they say it may rain tomorrow
and wash out the Cards and the Cubs
and I shall be filled with sorrow
if there is no game on the morrow

the train I will take from Elburn
and not have to drive my car
a very big lesson I did learn
all that traffic is a grave concern

my wife thinks I am a schizo
and maybe I'm off my rocker
but I gotta go cheer my man Rizzo
whose bat is beginning to sizzle

gong to a game is always a lark
especially when it's at Wrigley
I just love sitting outside in the park
at the corner of Addison and Clark

I'll climb all the way to the top
where the view can be great
and have a beef, or a dog, and a pop
then I'll make a brief pit stop

but that may all come to no avail
if we get storms like they say we may
with wind, and rain and hail
the game I may be forced to bail

For now I need to sleep
and maybe dream  of the Cubs
where Riz, and KB and Biaz go deep
and no more will we fans have to weep

Geez.....that is tacky.

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