Thursday, May 31, 2018

worry wort

I think I worry too much

     My mother used to say I was a worry wort.  Or maybe it's worry wart?  I really don't know.
     I just know, I worry.
     Is the mosquito that bit me tonight going to infect me with West Nile Virus?
     Is the little bubble I found on my neck a tick?  And after I pulled it off, will smothering it in rubbing alcohol have any affect?
     How do I know if it is a tick?
     Will it storm overnight?
     Will the new plants survive?
     Why does the guy who runs the funereal home look at me and say, "No, how are you really feeling?"
     I wonder if my mind is going when I start forgetting things and repeating myself.
     I wonder.....a ha!  you thought I was going to repeat the line before this, didn't you?
     I worry that I will die without getting my book published.  I worry that if I send it to a publisher it will be rejected.  I worry that I won't be able to handle the rejection and turn to a life of drugs and alcohol.
     I worry when I walk into a store or business that my zipper is down.
     I constantly worry that if I park near a sewer or drain, I will drop my keys down the drain and be locked out of my car miles from home.  For that reason, I never park near a sewer.  Ever.
     I worry that the server dropped my food on the floor and still gave it to me.
     I worry that people who read this blog think I am wasting their time.
     I worry that I am wasting their time.
     You know, it feels good to vent.  I just hope all these worries don't give me more nightmares.  I had one last night that was so real it frightened me awake. 
     But that is another worry...I mean story.
     Good night.
     Don't worry, be happy.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

who is that man!

I think my wife has a boyfriend

      I hear him.  But I can't find him.
     He seem to be a weather fanatic.
     It was pouring this morning.  I knew that because I could hear it on the roof.
     But a male voice spoke to me from Jackie's side of the bed!
     "Heavy rains are occurring in your area."  That's all he said!  But he had a big lash of light when he announced it.  Come to think of it, maybe it was God?
     No, I digress.
     Like I couldn't tell it was raining, right?
     This is not the first time the voice from the dark has spoken to me.
     "Lightning is occurring in your area."
     "Rain is occurring in your area."
     All the time about the weather.
     And tonight I sat on the bed to pet Corki and I heard, "Lighting is occurring in your area."  At first, I thought we had a talking dog.  But alas, it was the weatherman.
     I duh, it's a thunderstorm.
    And hear is the weird thing. (Get the pun there?) She, the one who can't sleep at night, never hears the announcement that it is thundering in Walla Walla or raining in Paducah!
     And me, the guy who can't hear shit, wakes up to this weather announcement every time!
     Maybe tonight the weather will be clear.  I won't hear about lightning or heavy rain in my area.  Or announcements of any kind.
     If we could figure out how to turn it off, we would.
     But we are old and incapable of such high tech antics.
     In summary:  I regret not learning to play the piano.  Which has nothing to do with anything but I just watched a video of a little boy playing Piano Man.  It inspired me.
     To bed I go, hoping not to hear a male voice anytime soon.
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

rain, please....

I think I may be a killer

     A plant killer.  I looked at some plants a week ago and they were doing well.  But today......well, that is another story.  I realize now I should have watered them, exposed as they were to the sun and heat these past three days.  Hopefully they will come back.
     I seem to have a problem with plants. 
     I took a picture to a nursery and explained the problem.  "Your coreopsis is dead?  No one ever kills a coreopsis.  They are so hardy."  Well, I notched five of them.
    Lavender is a plant that likes well drained soil.  I have two lavender plants amid three other varieties that all like well drained soil.  My lavender died.     Growing conditions for all the plants were the same, but the lavender died after four years.
     It makes no sense.
     Asters?  Door nails.
     What is growing extremely well is thistle.  I keep digging it up, but it keeps coming back.  Today I resorted to a chemical killer that is supposed to reach the roots and kill the plant.
     I used to like working in a I dread it.  I don't know as much as I think I do, and maybe even less.
     I have some plants to put in tomorrow, weather permitting. 
     Here's hoping they make it.
    Go Cubs!!

Monday, May 28, 2018

ennui part 2

I just don't handle the heat anymore

     I thought of mowing, but when I went outside, it was too hot. I think three of my neighbors mowed, so it was not too hot for them.
     I also thought of riding, but it was too hot.  During the day I saw at least 4 people out riding.  Again, it wasn't too hot for them.
     I think I am becoming a wimp!
     I did not have much of an appetite, but I did sit outside and read while sipping an Earl Gray tea.
     And I remembered spiderwort.  That does not make sense to anyone but me.  I was at the garden place yesterday and mentioned that my ....... here I went blank.       I said most of them had come back, because they were natives and pretty hardy.  But I could not remember the name.
     Spiderworts are also called transcandantia, or something like that.  I can never pronounce the name, let alone spell it.  Spell checker should go crazy on that one.
     But for some reason, I can never remember the name of the plant! Tomorrow I will go outside, look at it and not remember it's name.
     Strange how the mind works.
     At some point I have to mow and trim.  Maybe tomorrow morning I will attempt it, but I am not optimistic.  It's the heat. 
    I did water my vegetables and some plants.  And I sprayed some ant holes on the deck.
     And I did hang some pictures, and rehung some others.
     But for the most part, I sat in the air conditioning and wondered how the pioneers survived.
     Stay cool, my friends.

Sunday, May 27, 2018


About all I did today was watch the Cubs

It's now after 11.  I have laundry in the dryer that will need to be hung.
I have dishes to do, but the dishwasher needs to be emptied.
I have squandered the bulk of the day watching the Cubs.
But it was a good game.  Long, but good.
I should get to bed by midnight........
One other thing I did.  I bought some plants to replace the dead ones in my garden.  Tuesday or Wednesday, when it cools, I will be giving permanent homes to 12 green friends.
Cools.   Like 82 is cool, right.
Good grief.  Good night.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

what time is it?

I get so confused

     The clock on my desk is 11:00, the computer says 11:06.  The cuckoo said it was 11 ten minutes ago.
     I guess I will go by the computer, because computers are never wrong, unless your name is Hal.
     It was hot today!
     I went for a bike ride at about 5, thinking that the temps would drop enough to make it comfortable.  I got in about 6 miles before I pooped out.  I was dripping wet too, so I had to shower before supper.
     It was 91, according to a bank in town, and when I went biking it had dropped to 86.  I thought it felt cooler.
     Jackie said I should not go, but being the dedicated husband I ignored her common sense suggestion,
     Hopefully tomorrow will be better, although the air quality may not be very good.
     At least I will sleep soundly tonight.  Maybe.
     Onward to Sunday, all you swabbies out there.

Friday, May 25, 2018

take me out to the ball game

Beautiful day for baseball!

Warm, sunny, light breeze and the Cubs won!
Always a good day when all three happen.
No Linda and Dan......missed you guys!
Not much to say, except Go Cubs !

Window washers

Not a ob I would like

Through the fence, Ernie draws a crowd

A little music before and after the game

Bob, I bought you one!

Neighborhood is changing

Very cool

Thursday, May 24, 2018

getting weird

I don't like pants

     There.  I admit it.  Pants bother me.  I don't like shorts either.
     I like the freedom of walking around my house in my boxers.  Enough said.
     Questions of a general nature.
     When you see an airplane going overhead, do you wonder where people are going?  Do you wish to be on the plane?
     There is a kitchen plate/bowl advertised on TV that allows you to reheat cold foods in the microwave and have them crisp, just like they were fresh.  It costs about $40....but does it work?
     Why do I run out of cash on the eve of when I need cash?
     When you are in a hurry, do you hit every red light?  And when you are not in a hurry, do you hit every green light?  Why does that happen?
     What happened to side vent windows on cars?
     Can Supergirl have a baby?
     What is the difference between flammable and inflammable signs on trucks?
     Why can't people be nice to each other?
     Why do dryer sheets always end up in my pants?  (Another reason to not like wearing pants.)
     I have a million more.
     But I am tired.  And tomorrow is another day.
     Good night and God Bless......

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

the good and the bad

We have a lawn service this year

     They come in and fertilize and apply weed killer.  I don't have to buy all those bags of fertilizer that I would store in the garage and never use at the right time.
     Now some guys come and put chemicals on the lawn.
     I am not sure I like it.  I know it is not good for the environment, but the yard was full of weeds and bare spots.  It looked terrible.
     Right now it looks great.
     Problem is, I have to mow a lot more often.
     I mowed today, but since we had all that rain the grass really grew and I had to mow extra high to avoid clumping.  Tomorrow I will mow again, with a lower cut.
     Again, not environmentally sound.
     Maybe I should get goats.
     They eat the grass, fertilize it, and when they get old, could become supper for a couple of nights.
     Wonder what the neighbors would think about that.
     I pulled a Terry yesterday.
     Called a company and without thinking, just dialed the number on the receipt.
     When a man answered, I said, "Is this Champions?"  He was rather nice about it and said, "No you have the wrong number."   I said thanks and hung up.
     The voice sounded familiar.
     I looked at the number again.  It was a 907 area code.  My cousin lives in a 907 area code.  That's Alaska.
     Yup....dialed my cousin Warren in Alaska instead of the company in Kentucky.
     And I called him at 9:30 a.m. our time, which is 6:30 Alaskan time.
     Later that day I called him and apologized.  He said I never called, and I said, "Did someone call and ask for Champions?  That was me."
     We had a good laugh about it.
     Evidently my land line does not show up in his caller ID, but my cell phone does.
     Yes, I still have a land line.
     Say good night, Gracie.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

home again, home again

Julia should be home in just a couple of hours

     Actually, she will be in Zurich.  Then she is renting a car and driving to her house in Corseaux.  It is about a 3 hour drive, and yes, I will be nervous about her being on the road after a long flight.
     Hopefully she will be able to sleep a lot on the plane.
     I always get a little emotional when she leaves.
     And watching the final episode of The Middle reminded me that I am not the only parent whose child has moved away.  Jackie has a child that did that too.
     Although we went only two hours from our childhood homes, Jackie and I also moved "away."
    Still, even knowing that, it is hard to say good bye. 
     But that is the nature of life.  People move, whether it be to New York, Vermont, Colorado, California, or Switzerland.  They always have, and they always will.
     So it's off to bed, and hopefully sleep.
    Until tomorrow......peace and love to all you good people.

Monday, May 21, 2018

all things......

Tomorrow marks the end of my birthday celebration

     Emily and I are taking Julia to the airport.
     I'll be honest....I hate doing this.  I miss my daughter when she is 4000 miles away, or whatever the distance is.
     I also admit I was blessed this year.  She came home for my birthday, using up vacation days she could have spent laying on a beach in a warm climate.  But she came home for my 70th birthday.
     I feel sorry for Emily because she gets the brunt of our attention and whining when Julia goes.  We get a little needy sometimes, needy for our girls.
     Life goes back to "normal" tomorrow.  Emily and John will be in their little nest, Jackie and I will wander the rooms of our house.  The silence will be deafening.
     At least the Cubs will be a distraction.  I hope it's enough.
     And yes, I do realize how lucky I am.  Many people can't share the memories of their children growing up and being successful in the real world.  I also ache for them.
     I was gone a lot when the girls were little.  Working at the newspaper, I had lots of night meetings, sporting events, picture appointments.  I wish I could go back in time to when they were little and sat in my arms as I read them a story, or listened to them read one to me.
     Time goes so fast.   Too fast.
     We get old before we know it, and sometimes before we are ready.
     Life is funny that way.
     Peace and love to all of you out there.

Sunday, May 20, 2018


I turned the heat back on today

     In part because it was damp, and cloudy, and rainy....but I turned it on mostly because I was cold!
     My father died when he was 77.  The last several years of his life he was always cold.  He wore long underwear, even in the summer!
     And he used to hum.  Whenever he was doing something not requiring dialouge, he would hum.
     I sure hope I am not becoming my father!
     I am not wearing long underwear, but I do hum .  And I save stuff, just like he used to do.
     His birthday was May 14.  He would have been 117.
     I don't expect to live that long, but I hope I make it past 77.
     It's very strange.  My dad served in the US Army during WW I, the Great War.
     So I have a connection to that conflict.  Granted, he never left Illinois, but he was in the service when the war ended.
     That seems so long ago.  Indeed, he has been dead 40 years now.
     But when my birthday rolls around, I always think of him.
     And I hum a little tune in his memory.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

it's not fishy

Today was Lobster Day!

     Our church in DeKalb has been having a lobster day for 50 years. 
     When Jackie and I were dating, I actually went and took pictures.  That would have been the second lobster event.
     This year there were 930 lobsters ordered.  That is down from the golden years of 2.500 plus, but in line with the recent years.
     We set up tubs, fill them with water, pub the crustaceans in cans and drop them in the water.
     No, it is not cruel.  It's how you cook a lobster. 
     In my younger days I was part of the cooking team.  Now I do a lot of little stuff, like walk around, count lobsters, answer questions with information that is not accurate.
     It's a fun day, but a lot of work.
     The day actually seems more of a church reunion, because a lot of people who don't attend anymore often come to visit or help.
     I brought two lobsters home, and John came over for a lobster dinner with fries, bread sticks and wine.
     I swear, someday I will find the negatives from years ago.  I never throw anything out, so they have to be here somewhere.
     I even watched a bit of the royal wedding....I still don't understand why royalty exists in today's world, but it was a neat thing to see.
     And the Cubs split a double header....and that was ok, although they should have won both games.
     That's life. 
     And that's all I got.

late, but not my fault

I heard something new today
     (Now the problem is:  It's Friday night and I have no Internet.  Maybe it’s down for maintenance, but I am  tired so this might not appear until Saturday morning.)
     I was holding a snake for youngsters, and adults, to gently pet.
     A woman with her son, who looked to be about 4 or 5, came up.  The boy was a little hesitant, but the mom pet the snake and encouraged him to do so.
     So, he pet the snake.  And he loved it.
     He was petting it very gently when his grandmother came around the corner.
     “Don’t touch that snake,” she yelled.
     The lady and the boy just looked at her and kept petting.
     “Don’t touch that snake!  You know what will happen?  That snake will jump out of his hands and go right down your pants!  And that is something you don’t want to happen.  You just ask your Uncle Clem.”
     The little boy kept petting, but grandma kept going on about how dangerous snakes were.
     Finally the boy went to get his hands cleaned and the mom looked at me and said, “Grandmothers get a little crazy sometimes.”
     What I wanted to ask was what happened to Uncle Clem?
     Great time visiting my niece Jamie and her family in their new house.  Great house and I am in love with their patio.
     It was also a time for the California folks to get together with the Illinois folks and enjoy some Malnati’s pizza and lots of laughs.
     So, either good night, or good morning.  Your call.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

thistle and no rock

I dug out thistles today

     My least favorite task around the house is digging out thistle plants.  Funny thing, they only grow in one area, around the half leafing out lilac tree at the top of the driveway.
      I weeded the area two weeks ago, then mulched it heavily,
     Today I dug out about 20 thistles, some big, some small, all sticky.
     It's almost like there is an underground thistle garage mass producing these things!
     I guess I should not complain, after all it is the only green out there now that most of the other plants have gone to plant heaven.  Or was, rather.
     I planted all sorts of seeds today, carrot, bush green bean, Italian green beans, cucumber, peas.........and I hope it all grows.  I even watered for 15 minutes, which I hope to do again in the morning to "keep the seeds moist" while not drowning them.
     Last major task:  burning the pile.  I keep thinking I will do it, but then it gets raining or windy or I run out of time.
     Actually I am waiting for some of the birthday weight to leave so I can make s'mores.
     Just kidding.  I can do s'mores in the microwave.
     I think I may take up yodelling........
     Stay safe, my friends. 

          Peace out.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Farmer in the dell

I almost planted my garden today

     Almost.  I laid it out, put strings down to show rows, and planted my tomato and pepper plants.  But I did not get the seeds down.
     Sometimes I just run out of energy.  I had mowed, and trimmed, and raked up some long grass, and prepped the garden beds and I just ran out of energy.
     Farmer in the dell.
     Think what a difference a typo or two would make.
     Farmer in the deli
     Framer on the dell
     Farmer in the bell
     You get the drift.
    Anyway, tomorrow I will plant the seeds and set up a watering system, because once the seeds go in the ground, it will not rain.
     Positive news....I have lots of flowers on the strawberry plants.  Maybe this year I will get real, fresh, amazingly tasty strawberries.
     That's it.
     By the way, does this blog look different?  Not sure, but it seems odd.
     Peace to all, big and small.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

hard knocks

I have learned a few lessons lately

     I'd like to share them with you, just to spread happiness, joy and a little knowledge.
     When pumping gas, it is not a good idea to try to scrape off whatever the hell is stuck on your tooth with the hand that handled the gas pump.  Gas tastes terrible.
     When ordering clothes, be sure you get the right size.  A 38 inch belt barely fits a 38 inch waist.  Barely.  And OK, maybe it's 38 1/2 to start with.
     When buying roll out extensions for your downspouts, make sure you understand the statement roll out automatically, roll up manually.
     When you order a second new set of extensions for your downspouts, be sure to put them on correctly the first time or they will not roll up automatically.
     Before you start mowing, make sure you have gas.
     Use gift certificates before they expire.  I found three hidden in a box today, but I can't use 2 of them because they expired two years ago.
     Don't read comments on news stories.  The world is full of idiots and they post horrible things.
     Always feed your dog first.
     Listen to your mother.
     Put names on the back of pictures with people.  Dates would help too.
     That's it. 
     Oh, one more.
     Always say good night.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Danger, Danger all around

70 offers a different view of life

     First off, there is danger all around!
     Take the guy who pulled out in front of me on Carrie Avenue today.  He did not even look, just pulled out from the stop sign right in front of me.
     Or the bad tire on my right front.  Actually, the tire wasn't bad but the nail in it made me fill it up three times in the past week.  I could have had a serious accident.
     And chocolate cake.  I love the cake from that restaurant, but eating it may give me clogged vessels or arteries, excess excess weight that could lead to a heart attack or the ice cream that goes so well on the cake could lead to higher cholesterol.  I should not eat it!
     Riding my bike in the rain and wind with thunder and lightning all around may be good exercise, but I could  be hit by a bolt, or a car, or a run a way moose.  So I did not ride today.  (Oh yes, I can hear you thinking that there was a four hour window of sun..... but sun leads to sunburn which leads to skin cancer.  No thanks, not this boy.)
     I made sure I walked with the scissors while I was in the garage, planting.  (What did I plant in the garage?  Lemon grass and citronella, gifts from Julia.  I got them planted in time to leave them out in the rain for a good soaking.  Yes, I endangered my life by working with sharp instruments, but I handled them safely.  I just can't type with my left thumb for a few days.  By the way, I used pots.)
     (Now I have to clarify that:  Pots, not pot.  I did not plant in the garage using pot.  I used pots to plant.  OK?)
     Where was I?
     Older people have a tendency to mentally lose track of what they were talking about.  Sometimes they repeat the same story over and over and over.  But I did that when I was younger, so maybe it doesn't mean anything.
     What with traffic, weather, volcanoes, tornadoes, How am I supposed to make it another 10 years?
     By the way, I mis spelled weather in the above paragraph.  I typed weater.  Spell check said these were my options:     Water, wetter, waiter, Waiter, watter.
     That's another hazard....inaccurate spelling corrections....they raise my blood pressure, causing a higher risk of stroke.
     I think the only safe place is bed.  I just hope the ceiling fan doesn't fall on me in the middle of the night.
     Peace and joy to all.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

TD is busting out

I think I finally hit my limit

     I am not eating for the next two days.  Well, except for cream puffs and cupcakes.
     We have a lot of left over food........but I am working on that slowly.
     To review:  Out for dinner Friday night, party all day Saturday, Mother's Day brunch today.  In between, throw in a couple of cream puffs and some cupcakes and my belly has grown three sizes!
     I can't believe I ate the whole thing applies to my case.
     But the weekend of wonder is winding down, and now life is returning to normal.
     I have gardens to plant, if the rain stops and it warms up.  I have a pile to burn, if the rain stops.  I have plants to plant....if the rain stops.
     I'm sure after the rain and storms Sunday night, or tonight if you prefer, the weather will be better for outdoor labors.
     A digression:  I found a bill marked Where's George.  I have a Where's George account.  The $1 bill I have was put into circulation April 20 in Sycamore and it showed up in my pocket last Tuesday.
     I have entered the information on the Where's George account and will put the bill back in circulation tomorrow.
     I am always fascinated by how far these bills travel.
     Hope your weekend was great.  I always have a little tear in my eye for my mom, who passed away in 2001.  As I get older, I seem to miss her more.  Funny, isn't it.
     Just another reminder to hug those you love. And maybe even some of the people you don't especially like.  Maybe it will be a better world.
     Peace out.  And happy travels, George.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

holy cow

I had the shock of my life tonight

Somehow, the girls put together a surprise party for me and I was blown away.  Totally.
People from the theater group, school, newspaper, grade school years and every part of my life were there.
I can 't begin to tell you how touched I was.  I had tears in my eyes a couple of times.
I am truly blessed to have friends who have stuck by me through the years, who have put up  with me "me first" behavior, or my stupid jokes, or my crazy ideas.  I can't begin to tell you all how important you are in my life, and what a difference you have made in my life.
Thank you for calling me friend.
And thank you for being a friend.
Clarence said to George, No man is a failure who has friends.
I must be the most successful person in the world.
Thank you.  And bless you.

Friday, May 11, 2018

old friends

I turned 70 today

     I honestly never imagined life at 70.
     When I was younger, much younger, I always remembered my elderly aunts and uncles as having strange quirks.
     Like not liking to drive at night.
     Eating out and bringing home half the meal plus any tableware they could fit in the box.
     Clipping coupons.
     Asking for senior discounts.
     Eating out early.
     Stains on shirts and sweaters.
     Telling the same stories.
     Repeating themselves.
     Clipping coupons,
     Eating out early.
     Driving 30 in a 40 zone with the left blinker on and never intending to turn left.  Ever. 
     Not caring about long term projects.
     Turning the TV volume up high.
     Losing their keys.
     Well, I am there.  And it isn't funny.
     But at least I am there.  My girls are both here for my birthday, and everybody, John, Camryn, Jackie, Julia, Emily went on the history walk tonight.  Of course, someone made we wear a birthday hat.  And a necklace.  And at the end we aere all pretty cold.
      Along with Mk and Steve, we went out for dinner and had some cake at the house.....Portillo's chocolate cake!
      Now I am stuffed.  And happy.   And tired.
      And most of all thankful for my family, my friends, my life.
      Now it's time to say good night, good night , sleep tight.....dream sweet dreams my friends.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

stage door johnny

Still humming about the room where it happened

     A few more details on the Hamilton excursion.
     John, Emily, Julia and I met a friend of Julia's from Switzerland at the Revival Food Court in the Marquette Building, just across the street from the theater.
     Lots of different foods to choose from....and I opted for a Cubanose, a delicious concoction of pork and other yummy things.  There was pizza, salads, tacos and a whole bunch more.  It was a pretty crowded place, but we found a table for 5, which was actually a table for 4 with a fifth chair pulled up.  Surprisingly easy.
     After the show, and recovering my credit card and heart, we left the theater and passed a little alleyway, and lo and behold, cast members!!
     So I had to have a picture.
     I have never done something like that in my life, but damn, these folks are good!
My Hamilton Chicago shirt

Gregory Treco,  Aaron Burr

Montego Glover, Angelica

A young fan

Jose Rosario, who played three parts....the doctor, James Reynolds and Phillip Schuyler

     And with that, the end of my Hamilton memories.  For now.
     I was going to play the CD today, but I think I may have leant it to someone who was going to see the show.  Any help out there??
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

H is for Hamilton

I saw Hamilton for the second time today

     I have to admit, I was apprehensive about seeing the show  the first time.. Would I like history rapped?  Could I understand them?  Would the story be so convoluted I would not be able to follow it?  Actually, it is amazing.
     The narrative, the singing, the rap, the dancing, the get the idea.  It is an amazing show.
     A new block of tickets recently went on sale, which means it will be easier to buy tickets now for a future show.  Yes, they are pricey.  And no, I will not go a third time unless I win the $10 ticket lottery. 
     Julia just got home and she wanted to see the show so many people are talking about.  John, Emily and I could not let her go by there we were.  Jackie did not want to go, so she was left home.  Alone.
     Now, let me tell you a funny story.
     I usually don't buy souvenirs, but I bought a t shirt during intermission.  I will model it tomorrow.
     Being the good audience member, I turned my phone off for the show.
     After the show, while people were starting to file out, I hear an announcement:  Terry Dickow, please contact an usher.    Or something close to that.  To be honest, hearing my name threw me a little.  Hell, a lot!
     Then I realized my phone was off.  Had Jackie fallen and needed help?  Was there a problem at home?
     I found an usher, who sent me to a floor manager.  She asked me for an ID.  I showed her my driver's license and she reached into a pocket and pulled out my credit card!
     It was not the one I used to buy the shirt, but it had fallen out of the holder in my wallet.
     Someone found it on the floor and immediately turned it in to theater staff.
     I was thrilled to know it wasn't a problem at home, and equally thrilled to find out there are honest people out there.
     Someone did what I would have done.
     So, I will sign off with a couple of pictures.  Maybe I'll post some more tomorrow.
     Peace and love to all.
I love the set....especially the moving floor!

I stink at selfies

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

I tell the truth, sometimes

Curt, I saw Ghost Dog today!

     Actually, I don't know if Curt is  reading this, but it doesn't matter.... I saw Ghost Dog!  He was out by the road, just smelling the ditch.  I slowed down, just in case he decided to run, but the just kept sniffing.
     I first saw Ghost Dog several years ago.  I was driving on Flagg Road near the cemetery when it came out of the dark and watched me.  Time actually slowed down.  My car must have been doing 10 mph and when I passed the dog, a breeze ruffled its white hair.  But it was the eyes that got me.  They just followed my car.
     Since then, there have been occasional sightings, but this one today was extra special.  There is no reason, I just decided it was extra special.
     When I lived in my parents house in Chicago I was convinced that place was haunted.  I know there were ghosts in the attic and in the basement.  One day I remember the basement doorknob suddenly rattling, even though I was the only one in the house.
     I don't believe in ghosts, but I don't disbelieve either.
     You can't tell my that the ghosts of Ernie and Ron were not at Wrigley during the World Series run.  Heck, Harry might have even had an influence on the game.
     And Ebeneezer Scrooge?  He didn't believe in ghosts either until a number of them visited him one Christmas Eve long ago.
     All I know is Ghost Dog exists.  So slow down around the cemetery on Flagg Road just to be safe.
     With that, I am going to go to bed.  Hopefully without any interruption from spirits of an unearthly nature.
      Peace to all.

Monday, May 7, 2018

be ware the Ides fof May

This was a kind of weird day

     In 2016 we bought a golf cart.  I figured Jackie could use it to get around the yard, giving her the ability to look at the gardens, visit around a fire pit, maybe help with the weeds in the vegetable garden.
     The cart gets stored over the winter.
     I called at 8:30 today and left a message that they can drop it off any time except Wednesday of this week.
     It was there by 2.  I don't know if they had already planned on coming here, but it was just weird that they didn't call, just showed up.
     After they left, I went to move the cart.  I could not find the key.  Not in the ignition, not on the shelf.  Then I remembered they said to keep the key because they would not need it.
     I put all my car keys in a basket by the phone.  (Yes, we still have a land line.  Call me an old fuddy duddy, but I don't give my cell number out to a lot of people.)
     So all I should have to do is look in the basket and find the keys, right?  Well, that's where they were.  One point for efficiency.
     Unfortunately I can't put the patio table back together because I have not found the 8 bolts that hold on the 4 legs.  I put the bolts in a (fill in the blank) so I would easily find them this summer.  I have looked everywhere and can't find them.  So I have to buy new bolts.   Take away one point for inefficiency.
     I did get 10 miles in on a bike ride this afternoon.  I tell you, it was hard!  I could not get going and it was so hard to peddle.  I was worn out and my legs were dead by the time I finished.
     I was pondering this malaise in the garage.  I have been riding faster and not felt this tired.  I gave the front wheel a spin and it freewheeled nicely for a couple of minutes.  I gave the back wheel a spin and it barely moved.  The brake is actually on! 
     I rode 10 miles with the brake on.  ( I know I ended a sentence with a preposition.  I almost got a sentence once for ending with a proposition, but that's another story.)
     As I sit here, I wonder about my new ditty bag that I mounted on the center bar today.  It straps on.  I wonder if I tightened the straps over the brake cable, causing it to go into lock mode.
     I will check that tomorrow.
     Every time I ride, I spin the tires before I start.  Every time except today.     That's a minus one point for carelessness.
     Tomorrow I'll start with a clean slate....and I hope you will to.
     Say goodnight, Gracie.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

it's the little things in life

Today was just a gorgeous day

     I thought the weather forecast called for rain, but we had sun and mild temps all day.
     Julia went to Kane County, Jackie and I went to church, Emily went to work, John took care of the dogs and maybe ran, and we all had not burned Headon's chops for supper.
     I say not burned, or is it burnt?  Whatever.  Because I have a tendency to cook everything to the charred stage on the gas grill.  I just can't get used to the heat.
     I surveyed the gardens and think I need several new plants.  I must have ignored them last year, because I have some huge blank spots around the yard.
     I know yesterday was garden while you are naked day, so I want to apologize to all my neighbors.  That moon you may have seen last night was not a celestial body.....and that's all I will say about that.
     I have a strange problem.  Three pairs of jeans and all three have a belt loop pulled out.  Same location!  I must tug on my pants to pull them up and use that loop.  Gonna stop that.
     When I garden, I wear suspenders because my pants just don't sit right.
     When I tried to take off my pants today, I couldn't because my suspenders were clipped to my underwear.
     You may laugh, but it is not easy getting old!
     Gonna drink some Metamucil before bed time......
     Peace and joy to all.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

what a day

This was an amazing day

     The weather was near perfect.
     The fountain was opened in front of the museum, Cinco de Mayo was going on downtown, I went to the store, and I mowed.  Then it was dinner with the family and what was on the menu?  Tacos!!
     It was a fun day, but I am tired.
     So, I will let the pictures speak.

Steve checking out the water

Watching the chiuaua....little dog races.  Just noticed some friends in the background!!

Alcohol was involved

Not sure what Linda had, but it was frozen!

Friday, May 4, 2018

grumble, grumble

I cleaned up my patio furniture today

     This is the second set I bought from Plow & Hearth.  The first set was destroyed in the April 2015 storm.  I reordered the exact set, which is eucalyptus wood.  Weather resistant.  Nice looking furniture.
     I sealed it in 2016 when I got it, and again in 2017 before I put it out.
     Maybe someone can explain to me why and how the back rotted out of one of the chairs?
     I had numerous problems with this product when I bought it....pieces that did not fit, two sets with broken parts.  I eventually had 7 chairs sent so I could get 4 out of them.
     Now this.
     I guess I won't be ordering from Plow & Hearth ever again because of this.
     Just pisses me off.
     On a lighter note, I had a cute little girl, maybe 4 or 5, visit one of our animals at the zoo that I had out.  As she was leaving, she turned to me and said, "Happy Star Wars Day.  May the Fourth be with you." 
     And my friends Tyler and Linda surprised me with a really neat gift bag featuring some of my favorite food groups:  cupcakes, wine and coffee.  That was really nice!!
     Remember the books, A Series of Unfortunate Events?
     That was my drive today.
     I wanted to leave at 8, got out of the house at 8:40, had a low tire warning, no tire gauge in the car, quarter tank of gas, huge amounts of traffic on the under construction I-88..... you can see where this is leading.
     Got there at 10:30.
     It was still a great day.   Until I cleaned up the patio set, anyway.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

one big happy family

Julia came home for my birthday today

     My birthday....number 70.... is a week off, and this was a surprise visit.
     Of course, I knew about it because the airline called at Christmas and said there was a change in her flight.  I said she wasn't flying from Frankfurt to Chicago, she was flying from Chicago there.
     The man said that no, her May 3 flight was to Chicago.
     So I knew, through no fault of anyone.
    I picked her up at he airport and no, I did not get lost.  Or confused.  Well, once, on the way home, when the normal lanes to I-88 were closed and a temporary lane was open instead.  But that was not as bad as the guy I saw at the airport.
     I was waiting for Julia to use the restroom.
    As I am standing there, this young guy comes out of the woman's restroom shaking his head and saying, "I can't believe I just did that.  I can't believe....."
     I just started laughing.
     I said to Julia when she came out, "Was there a man in the woman's restroom?"   She said yes, adding she was a little surprised.
     And yes, I could tell he was a man because he had sideburns and a moustache.  And a very fast walk.
     I just wondered if he was busy texting and just didn't pay attention, or terribly tired after a long flight.
     In any case, I share in his pain.
     Tonight we all had pizza.....Julia, Emily, John, Jackie and me.  It just feels really great to have them all so close.
     That's all for me..... have a peaceful night.  And be careful what restroom you choose.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

another boring day

I swear, it was a hum drummer

     I took Corki for a trim, had coffee, read a little in my favorite book, rode my bike, cleaned the basement, washed towels, cooked dinner, did dishes, walked Corki, and watched most of the Cubs game.
     I actually rode my bike twice.  I got one time around the subdivision and it started raining, so I stopped.
     20 minutes later, it stopped raining, so I started riding again.  It always feels good to ride.
     Corki got a haircut today.  I walked her, and some of the neighborhood kids saw her and one girl said, "Corki shrunk!  She used to be bigger!"  I guess she did have a lot of hair.
     I also realized the big mistake I made in ordering plastic gutter extenders.       These are roll up plastic tubes that drain the water away from the house.  I mis-read the description of the product.  They automatically roll out when it rains, but they have to be manually rolled back up.
      Seeing as it's me, that is never going to happen.  So I ordered some new ones today that are supposed to roll up automatically.  We'll see.
     I have a burn pile, but can't seem to burn it.  Hopefully this weekend.      Meanwhile, it keeps blowing around in the yard.   I just don't want the neighbors to get upset because my weeds are in their yard.  They are.  Blew there.  Then the wind changed and they blew back.
     Big day tomorrow......I have a surprise coming in the afternoon!
     Hope she brings chocolate.
     Peace and love to all.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

right here in northern Illinois

I took a trip to Starved Rock Monday

     I have not been there for a while.  Years.
     There was a Facebook posting about a 3 canyon tour for $32, which included lunch.  Tours are done Saturdays and Mondays through May.
     So I went.
     It was a pretty neat trip.  We visited three canyons, had a great lunch, and I met a really nice guy from Chicago.
     That is not normal for me.  When we went in for lunch, they asked me if it would be OK  if another person sat at my table.  I figured yes, that way I don't eat alone.
     A guy named Patrick sat with me and we had a great discussion about the park, our kids, travel, the politics, religion or discussions about guns or anything controversial.  We just talked about life, and it was a nice lunch.
     Anyway, we went to three canyons:  Ottawa, French and St. Louis.
     All have waterfalls, but there was not a lot of water falling....been pretty dry.
     And St. Louis?  In 1960 three women were brutally murdered there in a crime that shocked the nation.  Monday it was just peaceful.
     We also saw some art in the park.  When a tree dies, chain saw artists are invited to create a sculpture.  There were a lot of neat looking dead trees.
     Anyway, here are some pictures.

The opening in the wall in the center of the picture is where the bodies were found in 1960's murders.